Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The American journalist , Bernard Nossiter , even saw Britain 's decline of manufacturing output as a sign of advance and of maturity , since the British , civilized and civic-minded as they were , were proclaiming the need for more leisure and less regimented ways of living .
2 And my body was lumbersome and sluggish and it slowed me down .
3 As the campaign progressed , his rallies became increasingly visionary and evangelical as he narrowed his eyes and gazed at horizons no one else could see .
4 My Lords , erm i legislation is complex and I agree that we should do what we can to keep a clear er , er to keep it clear and simple if it 's at all possible and erm er I agree though that one needs a fully up-to-date text of the nineteen sixty four Police Act in order to decipher every last dot and comma .
5 and words are put clear and strong and I think I 'd use the word forceful
6 Be as clear and concise as you can , not concealing your shortcomings ( age , time spent away from the work-place , and so on ) but equally making the most of your qualifications , experience and other assets .
7 The images so vague in his mind were now quite clear and distinct but he had to be certain : the solution must be presented like a concise clear legal document , everything in its right place and , unfortunately , there were still gaps to be filled and ragged ends tidied up .
8 The debates will turn out to be less clear and clean than they seem in this outline .
9 Hari thought again of her father and sitting there on the edge of her seat she believed that the man standing before her , handsome and young though he might be , was the same kind of man as Dewi Morgan , upright and steadfast , his eyes clear and direct as they looked down at her .
10 The dietary fibre connection is not in any way as clear and direct as it is in the evidence concerning cancer of the colon .
11 We were dependent and scared when we thought the powerful people had left us , were not attending to our needs , or were angry and cruel to us .
12 I was eventually given my clothes back , but they were all muddy and damp because I 'd been on gardens .
13 All contemporary accounts suggest that eighteenth century seamen , brutal and violent as they could be under provocation , were hardly lacking in the capacity to organise in support of their claims , and by the standards of the day , to do so peaceably whenever the authorities kept their heads sufficiently to allow mediation to proceed .
14 That was very brutal and hurtful when I felt down .
15 He was slim and dark and he told her his name was Steve .
16 Feel slim and graceful as you do them .
17 Feel slim and graceful as you do them .
18 If you give yourself six months to a year to understand yourself better , gradually to alter your eating and exercise behaviour , you will become slim and healthy and you will stay that way .
19 For these reasons , the Siamese has to be kept calm and healthy if it is to retain its beautiful sealpoint pattern .
20 Punctuality always gives a good impression and if you cut things fine you will not be as calm and confident as you should be .
21 Perhaps we think our friends see us as calm and capable while we know that we are secretly in a state of panic .
22 So I just waited for the contact , and hoped that my voice would sound calm and easy as I told Famlio my lies .
23 ‘ May the ocean be always as calm and benevolent as it is today .
24 Her face looked calm and beautiful as it slept its enforced slumber , the lips slightly parted , the dark curls spilling over a pale cheek .
25 Soren Kierkegaard 's concept of love is calm and homely but it is in authentic part of the reality of love .
26 The British as usual were resentful and jealous because they were dependent on a stronger power .
27 I 'm black , remember , and jobs are n't too easy to come by , even for someone as good-looking and intelligent as me . ’
28 The PC Wayplanner is economical and flexible since it runs on ordinary IBM-type personal computers .
29 The aim of this chapter is to provide help in making your home secure , comfortable , economical and beautiful whether you are with friends or alone .
30 Guardian readers are sufficiently interesting and distinctive that it is worth tolerating the statistical uncertainties caused by our small sample and the Guardian 's small readership .
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