Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun pl] [coord] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A ‘ tubogram ’ was carried out , as an outpatient 10 days later and the catheter removed , provided that the biliary tree was clear of stones and that there was no extravasation of contrast into the peritoneal cavity .
2 John Watts proved not the most able of administrators and when his term expired , charge of the Garden passed to Samuel Doody , an Apothecary with a London practice , who collected all manner of natural history specimens and was a prolific writer on the sciences .
3 The process of renovation had been full of difficulties and although some success had been achieved , shortcomings and blunders had been committed .
4 So now I go out and shoot Lou full of holes and when the law wants to know what makes me so excitable I tell them Mr. Bonanza said Lou shot Mahoney .
5 In a pagan world which was full of gods and where men and women encountered the divine at every turn , there was no need for the mystical disciplines to help people to cultivate a sense of presence and unity : they already felt at one with the world .
6 Assuming the cardboard box was full of letters and that each one carried a stamp — used stamps of Natal and Cape Province between the years say , 1850 and 1890 — would they be worth much ?
7 Yes , really you know , because , then I , then I looked at , on the other side they er were full of cows and and he would make it that was alright , but he was making sort of very little .
8 There was something mysterious about him and she wanted to ask so many questions , but he had that locked-in look , so that even if she risked Salt 's caustic tongue and asked outright about how he 'd come to be a slave , what it was like in Jamaica , if Africa was full of cannibals and if he 'd eaten people , she 'd probably get no more than a few shrugs for answers .
9 Auriculas are the most desirable of flowers but if you are n't green-fingered , or would like to have them all year round , Carless & Gray sells diy fake-auricula kits which you assemble and paint yourself .
10 Now it can still be objected that this is also true of adults and that I have still , therefore , failed to distinguish them from children .
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