Example sentences of "[adj] national [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The European championship will be run in two heats over the weekend and the Sunday racing will include the British national championship for classes one , two , three and cruiser .
2 The European championship will be run in two heats over the weekend and the Sunday racing will combine the British national championship for classes one , two , three and cruiser .
3 In describing the structures of private , national and international viewdata systems and their interconnection , Martin gives a good overview of the different national standards for character sets , and of how the European ‘ levels of service ’ are trying to cater for the quality provided by the North American standards .
4 5.3 ( iii ) macroeconomic forecasts : generalised national forecasts for trends in Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) , investment , consumption and employment are produced in the UK by the National Institute for Economic and Social Research ( NIESR ) , by the Bank of England , the Henley Centre for Forecasting , the London Business School , and by stockbroking firms , other universities etc .
5 In its strategy for continuing education provision for qualified nurses in Scotland , the Scottish National Board for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting accepts in principle the recommendations of a working party on continuing education and professional development for the three professions which reported in 1981 .
6 Centre : Scottish National Council for YMCA
7 Nevertheless , American companies are interested , and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the US and the French national centre for ocean exploration are systematically exploring the mid-Pacific ridge .
8 Jean Marie Luton , the former head of the French National Centre for Space Studies , assumed the directorship of the ESA on Oct. 1 .
9 In addition to these three , there are a number of professional bodies concerned with maintaining standards of professional training , such as the English National Board for nursing , and the Royal College of Psychiatrists for doctors .
10 In Scotland , WCUK has cemented its name in bricks and mortar by winning a top national honour for quality workmanship .
11 He added : ‘ It is very encouraging that the specification produced by the consortium has been recognised by the government as the official national specification for council tax systems .
12 Many young Germans , with that strong national instinct for cameraderie , regarded their periods of recuperation at rest camps , set amid the glorious woods and hills of Alsace and spent in the company of those with whom they had shared the common experience of Verdun , as among the more idyllic moments of the war .
13 Madrid-based Alcatel Standard Electrica SA formed a consortium with the Spanish National Institute for Industry to win one of Spain 's most important business coups in China since the latter embarked on its programme of economic reforms in 1978 .
14 This inevitably means that any attempt to analyse macrosociological data — aggregate national statistics for levels of income and unemployment , trends in infant mortality and the like — is bound to give rise to controversy .
15 This did not look like a cost effective national strategy for community care .
16 Present EC proposals are for a tax of $3 per barrel of oil equivalent , rising to $10 per barrel by 2000. * EC Environment Commissioner Ioannis Paleokrassas said that under present national programmes for carbon reduction , emissions would still be 3 per cent above 1990 levels at the end of the decade .
17 The rural industry developed in response to a growing national demand for boots and shoes , together with the need for military and naval footwear during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars ; the construction of canals and later the railways opened up distant markets .
18 The report was able to recount what had been done in the first year of effort of the newly-organised national campaign for emancipation but to stress continuity through reliance on the circulation of pamphlets by Wilberforce and Clarkson ; reformers were ‘ thus enabled to proceed under the conduct of the same veteran Champions who had first led the battle against the African Slave Trade and who had pursued it to its final extinction ’ .
19 President Hissène Habré had decided that his ruling National Union for Independence and Revolution ( UNIR ) party would not run a formal campaign , and the 436 candidates for the 123 elective seats in the new National Assembly ( which replaced the National Consultative Council — CNC — whose 30 members had been appointed ) ran as individuals .
20 The ruling National Alliance for Reconstruction ( NAR ) suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election held on Dec. 16 .
21 In 1991 the Chilean National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation stated in its report on human rights abuses in that country after the 1973 military coup : ‘ The true cause of human rights violations was the lack of a national culture of respect for these rights …
22 Also , whilst trade union leaders might want or need laws to strengthen procedures or ‘ conciliation ’ , this might well rebound , since the management side of the dispute supported by the misnamed National Association for Freedom ( NAF ) , will also be pressing for laws — but to curtail workers ' rights .
23 The subsidies have now been reintroduced in the Finance Bill , disguised in a clause approving payments to the Brazilian National Fund for Investments in Amazonia .
24 16.46 For internal assessment , a common national format for record-keeping should be devised and employed .
25 In municipal elections in Lausanne on Oct. 28-29 , 1989 , the extreme right-wing National Action for People and Homeland ( NA ) lost all of the 16 seats on the council which it had won in 1985 [ see p. 34253 ] .
26 Hospital discharge data were obtained from the Finnish National Agency for Welfare and Health , the causes of deaths from the Finnish State Statistics , and annual alcohol consumption from the Finnish State Alcohol Company .
27 Annual discharges with the diagnosis of pancreatitis ( ICD Code 577 ) during 1970–89 were obtained from the statistics of the Finnish National Agency for Welfare and Health .
28 So the BTO is creating a new National Centre for Ornithology to meet the needs of today and tomorrow .
29 New national centre for information on language learning
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