Example sentences of "[adj] people [vb base] been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Understand what Free People have been doing to me .
2 For 15 years the basic state pension has been uprated in line with prices , not earnings ; as a result , the living standards of the poorest old people have been drifting down against those of people in work .
3 A spokeswoman for the independent Kings Fund Institute said : ‘ There 's a myth that old people have been getting fitter .
4 The vast majority of obese people have been eating a normal unhealthy diet , and changing is a matter of education and attitude as well as trial and error .
5 Modern treatment for infertility utilizes this concept , something that the Jewish people have been practising for thousands of years .
6 A few lucky people have been realising a lifetime 's dream — mounting the footplate of the world 's most famous engine .
7 These comprise several features : employment has fallen in most branches of manufacturing and in some parts of the service sector ; land has been diverted from residential use by office expansion , road construction and slum clearance ; more mobile people have been leaving to escape the poor physical environment and the social problems ; new private house-building has been discouraged by high costs , land hoarding by local authorities and uncertainties about sales potential ; and falling household size has reduced the capacity of the overall housing stock ( Cameron , 1980 ; Evans and Eversley , 1980 ; Kennett and Hall , 1981 ; Lawless , 1981 ) .
8 The most dramatic thing about the recent dietary fibre research is that it has , to a degree , altered the basis on which experts have been calculating potential weight loss over the past half century or so … the period during which overweight people have been begging diet doctors and dieticians to help them shed that surplus fat .
9 Dozens of disabled people have been taking to the water learning how to sail .
10 And our other project will probably be in Malaysia , where we 're hoping to be able to fund lawyers to go and visit the indigenous tribes , and educate them about the Malaysian process of law , because at the moment I 'm sure you 'll know that various indigenous people have been blockading the logging roads that go on to their demarcated territory .
11 Other people have been jumping in and getting print left right and centre
12 The greater likelihood is that , when you suggest a practical stand-back of the ‘ Shall we go to the pub ? ’ variety , you will have given voice to what a lot of other people have been thinking .
13 He has only expressed what a lot of other people have been starting to fear for a long time , that unless the commercial manipulators in tennis are careful , they could cook the golden goose .
14 Whereas the adult is influenced by what he or she already knows or by what other people have been saying .
15 Other people have been saying it 's colder , colder than they thought .
16 Thanks to specially-adapted boats many new people have been catching the sailing bug .
17 It is understood that gangs of up to young people have been roaming Newtownards , and surrounding areas , making local people 's lives ‘ a misery ’ , according to councillors .
18 Clearly , while an increasing proportion of the population have been buying their houses , working-class people have been buying the cheapest housing on the market .
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