Example sentences of "[adj] because i be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This month is different because I am asking you to help other people .
2 I think I 'm English because I was born here . ’
3 Well I 'm freer to do , I mean I , I got , I wanted to be free because I was getting tied up with that and I was getting tied up with persons , but not agreeing everything
4 Well I would say that erm , in my time , er when they became unemployed , most of them could pick up a job pretty easy because I was speaking about from nineteen forty eight onwards , and of course er it was shortly after a war , there was plenty of work , and therefore most of them could pick up a job in a reasonable space of time and they would n't be idle too long .
5 I du n no I I got the gist of what Lynne was saying and I was concentrating but maybe I was concentrating too hard because I was getting most of it right was n't I but it
6 ‘ I moved over to auditing and I think I was very lucky because I was promoted quite quickly .
7 I have one pair of shoes at a time , and I wear them out pretty quick because I 'm doing all the canvassing for our lot .
8 Not really it 's quite self explanatory because I was wondering where you got the business and that from .
9 A musician can fool himself and say , ‘ Yeah , I 'm doing great because I 'm getting all these write-ups and my career seems to be looking good , ’ but what it boils down to is what you 're actually doing — whether or not you 're breaking any new ground in music .
10 I felt inadequate because I was living with a man . ’
11 Any tapes that anybody can get to me this week would be very very good because I was saying er a few minutes ago erm I 'm intending to send whatever we 've got done tomorrow week .
12 And I used this line but it did n't sound so effective because I was sitting on a bicycle .
13 Like Williams , Hill was defiant about his talent and ambitions , saying : ‘ I am not too disheartened because I am improving all the time as a Grand Prix racer and you have to remember it is my first season .
14 It 's odd because I was watching him on Football Focus yesterday , him and Bob Wilson , and I was trying to stay awake
15 I 'm angry because I was told it would be relatively straightforward to get a divorce and I did n't foresee any of this .
16 ‘ I 'm angry because I was told it would be relatively straightforward to get a divorce ’
17 I felt ashamed because I was enjoying this sensation .
18 The next morning I was a day older , no wiser and put in a bad mood right from the off because I was dragged from the Land of Nod kicking and screaming ( well , grunting and stumbling actually ) by the Celtic Twilight hammering on my door .
19 I have felt troubled because I am lacking in regard to ‘ The Romans ’ prosecution the same sense of identification with Jesus that I felt in the blasphemy case .
20 I HAVE recently become a vegetarian but am worried because I 'm told that I might be missing out on iron in my diet ?
21 Tomorrow would be quite nice because I 'm having my hair done tomorrow .
22 And I 'm not just quite finished because I was gon na put a wee P S in , why do n't we have the assembly at the S E C C ?
23 I notice that a great many people were nodding when he suggested that , possibly including the hon. Lady , who should not be so argumentative because I am agreeing with him .
24 I like them like that because what I tend to do with so I like them that big because then I can cut them up into sticks , stick them in the fridge , then if I feel like being naughty not ever so naughty because I 'm nibbling at carrots rather than a packet of crisps or something .
25 Well it 's gon na be really bad because I 'm gon na be doing this and taking pictures !
26 Mr. Mendez was probably already mad because I was talking up , but he still looked patient .
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