Example sentences of "[adj] only because [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is true that 8 exemplifies a recurrent semantic contrast , but this is possible only because of the presence of m — in both sentences .
2 But it was equally clear that the share-pushing operations were often made possible only because of the assistance of third parties such as bankers , accountants and solicitors .
3 The big surge in investment has been possible only because of the liberalisation policies pursued by the Government .
4 For Augustine , mystical experience operated in the gap between the Creator and creature , enabling man to recognise his own true nature and so come to a knowledge of God — a process possible only because of the Incarnation , the love poured out from the being of God to his creatures which revealed how He could be known .
5 This behaviour is possible only because of the difference in diffusivities .
6 We walked along the dry bed of the Guadalfeo ( ugly ) River : ugly only because of the plastic bags , bottles and other rubbish which had been tipped there .
7 Differentiating modes of access seems relevant only because of the covert assumption that different ways of knowing feel different — that is , what it is like to have those experiences is different .
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