Example sentences of "[adj] if you have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd have had that one wrong if you 'd done that .
2 ‘ Look , we 're not interested if you 've broken some internal disciplinary code .
3 " He 'd be more dignified if you 'd left him uncovered .
4 But like it 's different if you 've got a really bad cold and sometimes you have to , you ca n't like sometimes you can hide it but I do n't go in front of someone I always do it discreetly .
5 But it can be a bit dangerous if you 've had a few drinks , because you keep pumping the thing up and forgetting about it . ’
6 I said it 's just extra if you 've got a nice card to go with it .
7 ‘ I shall be extremely gritty if you 've pinched a single one of my precious bottles .
8 That 's the important phrase , and if you find it 's easier to keep it mobile if you 've taken some paracetamol or aspirin , then by all means do that .
9 ‘ No problem is hopeless if you 've got the courage to look it in the face .
10 and it indicates you put one in cos sometimes it 's confusing if you 've put in a tab and you do n't know what 's
11 Your audience will not be exactly receptive if you have kept them waiting , no matter what your excuse .
12 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
13 Hope to get you back to school on Monday , it seems awful if you 've had a week off and then your not well .
14 ‘ I 'm sorry if you 've had a wasted journey , Charlie . ’
15 Terrific if you 've got a face like Bambi 's mother and a figure like a beanpole .
16 Oh , you were lucky if you 'd got a wash-house attached to your house , in those days .
17 Like a lot of weekends you 'd leave , you 'd leave the T A centre about eight and then from eight o'clock Friday night too about , well you 'd be working until about three o'clock Sunday afternoon , and you are lucky if you 'd got three or four hours sleep working you do n't notice , you get tired but you do n't feel that bad and it was only like I used to come home on a Sunday crash out about sleep about .
18 The only thing your gon na have , you might find a bit awkward if you 've got to car stair , carry up stairs .
19 Think back to the stuff we did on memory , a little and often is a good way of trying to remember things Okay , it 's useful if you 've covered topic areas to actually think about writing essays about questions that you think about to get you used to the style and time s scale of actually dealing with exams .
20 And they are quite useful if you 've come across those from Prudential , G A ,
21 ‘ It would have been useful if you 'd told me all this at the beginning . ’
22 It 's very useful if you have detailed questions on this particular report that you do let myself and the chief know well in advance , so that you get a detailed answer , quite frankly .
23 Well they 're ever so good if you 've got
24 Great if you 've got good legs but need to hide any extra bulges !
25 Yeah , it 's great if you 've got the room on the side to do it .
26 You know , I was on the phone to a customer for fifteen to twenty minutes because they 'd had a bad experience and I was actually making an appointment for Roy to go in and that twenty minutes is a long time , and I think really if anything , it 's just brought to me really , , how little time sometimes , it 's not always the case , it does vary , that , depending on the incoming calls , depending if you 've got got through the emerging paperwork for whatever reason , how little quality time perhaps you do actually spend on the phone , making outgoing calls to sell .
27 Ronni teased him , ‘ Perhaps you would n't be so happy if you 'd lost ? ’
28 These little thumb print things along the , along the sides are called the marks and the down to the sea those marks disappear and you get this silvery appearance , so it 's very plain if you 've got these that the salmon has been up there just in the upper which is exactly we had , hope we had happened
29 ‘ You would n't think it so unexpected if you 'd seen the first nightclub I bought . ’
30 This option is only available if you have purchased the special cable that links the computer to an electronic knitting machine .
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