Example sentences of "[adj] if [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Appeals chief Dorothy Roberts said : ‘ I am upset if I have offended anyone , but the care of the patients must come first . ’
2 Your audience will not be exactly receptive if you have kept them waiting , no matter what your excuse .
3 It is essential that the parents of a severely visually handicapped child know of and agree to the approach to be followed by the school in relation to the pupil 's independent mobility , and it will be very helpful if they have seen the school environment and know what kind of tasks it will impose on the daily life of their child .
4 It 's very useful if you have detailed questions on this particular report that you do let myself and the chief know well in advance , so that you get a detailed answer , quite frankly .
5 But do n't dilly-dally for too long ; once it 's published we are all going to look a little risible if we have made no adjustments to what is after all known as being predominantly my own design of gallery .
6 This option is only available if you have purchased the special cable that links the computer to an electronic knitting machine .
7 They can have all the cleaning equipment ready for you , tidying and moving any light objects , as necessary , as their contribution to the exercise before your arrival , and then when the work is completed they will usually be very pleased if you have allowed time to sit down and have a cup of tea or a drink with them for a while before you leave .
8 They think they 've been successful if they have kept busy .
9 This is particularly relevant if you have limited movement in your hips , shoulders or problems with your hands .
10 There are arguments here , as there are in relation to mistake , that the law should impose a duty on men to consider consent , and therefore should treat them as reckless if they have failed to give any thought to the matter .
11 Curiously enough , these charming blooms turn to face and follow the sun as it progresses across the sky , a phenomenon you will find frustrating if you have planted it in a north-facing border , since they will invariably turn their backs on you .
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