Example sentences of "[adj] can be [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The metric can be taken in the form of the line element ( 6.20 ) with .
2 And so , by means of analogies and comparisons , the foreign can be understood in the context of the homely and the familiar .
3 Yet there are those in the medical profession who do not have to witness this undignified event and who continue to believe that the impossible can be achieved in every case .
4 The argument of the theist concerning God as both transcendent and immanent can be summarised in the following question and answer form :
5 The difference between Regency attitudes and those of the mid-Victorians to the houses of the poor can be focused in George Eliot 's Middlemarch , first published in 1871–2 , but set in 1829–32 .
6 A base up to 3m ( 10ft ) long can be cast in one slab .
7 This letter in full can be found in " The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor 1263–1742 " Edinburgh 1859 .
8 The inevitable course of this new aesthetic can be charted in the railway station .
9 Tents with a self-supporting inner can be used in hot weather without the fly .
10 I shall examine this question in more detail in the chapters in Part 3 , but meanwhile we might consider briefly how different approaches to language pedagogy in general can be characterized in reference to this question .
11 Eltharion the Grim can be included in any Warhammer High Elf army by paying the appropriate points cost .
12 Either a point q in the b -boundary may be a regular boundary point if the space-time can be embedded in a larger space-time such that the Riemann tensor is C r and q is an interior point in , or it may be a singular boundary point if the space-time is not extendable through q in a way .
13 Geological and geophysical can be displayed in various ways : a three-dimensional colour-shaded perspective view of the magnetic field of the East Midlands left vividly displays variations in the field .
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