Example sentences of "[adj] that she [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And , although she never actually put it into words she had made it perfectly clear that she would put him out of business if he did n't agree to her terms .
2 Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she would have her own part to play after husband Bill was swept to power .
3 Even at this early stage of contact between white and black in Britain , it is clear that she would have been building on already existing racial caricature and prejudice rather than creating an artificial tide of hostility against black people .
4 It soon became clear that she might have got the date and the king wrong , that she had n't seen the guinea for years , and so forth .
5 Some of her nails were still silver , Lee noticed , and some were so clear that she could see the blood through them .
6 Yet the Queen Mum has made it quite clear that she will decide for herself .
7 Again Beth hesitated , thinking it wrong that she should use this lovely girl in order to lessen her own burden .
8 And it is doubtful that she will feel the need to consult a fortune teller as to her husband 's ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ days as did Nancy Reagan .
9 Somehow she was afraid that she would discover things she was better not knowing .
10 " The sepoys are very quiet , " the Collector called to Harry conversationally to stop him weeping , because now Lucy was starting and he was afraid that she would spoil the powder by dropping tears into the flask .
11 When she had made the rounds of the many churches in Lynne , she was ‘ urged in her soul to go and visit certain places for ghostly health ’ , and her husband , either from kindness , or afraid that she would get into trouble , accompanied her .
12 Gazzer had been afraid that she would say something like : ‘ Well , you need n't have bothered ! ’ or ‘ You and whose army ! ’
13 He hated himself for these demeaning fantasies , and was reasonably afraid that she might suspect he nourished them .
14 The first was that she was afraid that she might have an attack while pregnant and would cause some harm either to herself or to the unborn child .
15 Afraid that she might have hurt Nora , who was sitting very quietly , Louise added , ‘ Of course , she 'll miss you but I do think she could stay on for a little longer , to see what might happen . ’
16 All she felt was a kind of blankness ; she was now so afraid that she 'd become detached , a spectator , not even thinking any more about escape .
17 She wanted me to accompany her but I hung back , afraid that she 'd find out that I had taken two lumps of coal , and Dad had gone out , so he was not there to protect me .
18 The professionals concerned do not always ask the carer if she is willing to cope , because they are afraid that she will refuse .
19 She resists being fed because she is afraid that she will swell up and become too big for her coffin .
20 Breeze was fond of Schumann , but not so fond that she could listen to him now !
21 Mr. O'Brien was , Mrs. O'Brien said , extremely insistent that she should sign .
22 It was odd that she would have her own servant , Isabel mused vaguely .
23 Hank was so used to being deserted by his mother that he did not think it odd that she should go out on the first evening in ten weeks that his father had been able to spend at home .
24 It is Possible that she might have come to the big city on her own .
25 ‘ It 's possible that she might have gone to the young agricultural student — Farrel — who was here recently .
26 Even if she is not someone who could easily enter into discussions of this nature , in which her feelings are explored , it is possible that she could benefit considerably from advice and comfort delivered to her in a less personal way through the pages of a book .
27 It was even possible that she could argue the case for Chester 's survival in a calm , rational way , if only she could overcome this personal aversion to her unwelcome holiday companion !
28 Would n't it only be right that she should go , too ? ’
29 To her it could just not be right that she should love one man while being married to another .
30 Before considering making an application to the local council for a rent or rate rebate , an elderly person who is hard pressed financially should consider first whether her income is so low that she might do better to make an application for a supplementary pension , which brings with it other benefits ( previously described ) .
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