Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 When he introduced the report in the house , my right honourable friend , the member for Kingston upon Thames made is clear that he accepted them all and that the government was committed to carrying them out .
2 He also advocated the appointment of prison inspectors and made it clear that he expected them to be as thorough as he himself had been , probing every corner and speaking with every prisoner .
3 She would cook them all a good breakfast and make it clear that she expected them to be at the table on time .
4 The staff all know what 's got to be done and they go off and do it ; it 's just when jobs are different that I give them any guidance .
5 Is it not possible that we apprehend them as feelings of hotness and coldness because the feelings are usually of one sort when our bodies are hot , and of another sort when our bodies are cold ?
6 In both cases the wages of journeywomen were so low that he associates them with prostitution : " Take a survey of all the common women of the town , who take their walks between Charing Cross and Fleet Ditch , and I am persuaded more than half of them have been bred milliners . "
7 The other element is that the county 's are so dangerous , and that 's actually quite unusual , they 're so dangerous that we consider they present a risk and it has to be me that considers it presents a risk to life , and I can either restrict the use of premises , but I can prohibit the use entirely .
8 Navigational instincts in humans are less well-developed , although Robin Baker of Manchester University is convinced that we possess them ( New Scientist , vol 80 , p 526 ) .
9 As a user and devotee of Wainwright 's books , I am convinced that he wrote them primarily as works of creative art , for sharing with those of like mind .
10 I am glad that you found them useful .
11 Bereaved people trying to make sense of what has happened to them often find that one of the most difficult things is to discover that they ‘ can not think straight ’ and when they do their thoughts are often so disturbing and frightening that they feel they 've ‘ gone mad ’ .
12 Well only just to really , actually all Mr Mr has er said , and just one other bit of information , the time when the Chairman of the council extended the invitation to sixth formers , looking for alternative entertainment for the sixth formers of school , after they sat through a full council , I took them over to the er archivists er department , and we saw the paper restor , sorry , should n't say paper restorer , manuscript restorer at work , and these sixth formers , already knew of the existence , one of them asked to see the records of parish , because he knew they were there , and I mean , I think this is wonderful , that the sixth formers already , er children are being taught about the ar the records , and they will want to be sure that we kept them , and I think it 's our moral duty to keep er , the records of the past for future generations .
13 As we have already said , make sure that you list them as well .
14 Invest time , this week , next week and every week in encouraging and supporting this elite team , making sure that you provide them with development opportunities .
15 They must have wrecked the car to make sure that I understood they meant business . ’
16 I got your first letter to Nanking on Saturday , and had plenty of letters at Sian — I 'm not sure that I got them all , in particular I got a letter from Tom sent on March 23 , but I 'm not sure whether that 's the one you referred to , anyway I 'm grateful to you all for keeping me in touch .
17 These jumpers dry in no time , no pressing is required and the fabric is so light and cosy that I wear them all year round !
18 The scenes of horror and infamy on board of a man-of-war are so many and so great that I think they must rather disgust a mind than allure it . ’
19 The nearest Jaguar agents were in Vienna , where he had taken it for its first service , but the electronic engine management and monitoring systems were so complex that he wanted them checked over by experts .
20 And then they want someone else 's help or whatever else and er I can see that they 're concerned that you know they have a concern or want something from me then and I pass on I some action to take place you know for you know I 've on to somebody or someone said to him , I always give my name .
21 It may take them a little while , but it is important that you contact them to make a housing application and let them know of your needs .
22 It was quite apparent that he enjoyed them far more than the excellent dinner which Winnie had spent hours in preparing .
23 It is essential that you wash them after you visit the toilet or help a resident .
24 ‘ We are putting a lot of money into these core plants to improve their efficiency and reduce variable costs , ’ Ewart emphasizes , ‘ It is vital that we keep them in good shape . ’
25 ‘ And another thing we 've got to talk about — it 's not really fair that you have them every weekend .
26 To take the force of this testimony that none of us deserves to avoid , it 's not necessary to like either Olson or Pound , but it is necessary that we respect them .
27 If salmon is still the rich man 's herring , one can no longer think of herrings as the poor man 's salmon for they have become so expensive that one buys them by the troy ounce .
28 If you use this method , make certain that you write them on the board before the talk and that your writing is legible .
29 Within each schedule you need to identify the priorities and to make certain that you give them their due weight and tackle them first .
30 Hunter , Joyce , and Redruth were told what was happening , and were less surprised that we expected them to be .
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