Example sentences of "[adj] that [verb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is rising so high that makes us afraid , he thought , lest we fall or are cast down .
2 What happens is that although it does tend to decay it builds a crust on the outside that stops it eroding .
3 what Chodorow retains of the psychical that makes it impossible for her to consider social relations in any but the most simplistic way .
4 I was conscious that underlying it all there must be some Law of Unnatural Selection , which could prove that the fittest product with the most colourful packaging was the most likely to be pollinated by purchase .
5 ‘ And look what a power of good that did us all . ’
6 Yes I mean issue with illegitimate children or his affair means that I mean even the line he was running is okay because I 'm rich so it 's not gon na and it 's not gon na and so he 's got these two sort of values , that if you are a single parent and you 're poor that makes you lesser and more immoral than if you were a single parent and you 're rich .
7 It 's the mediocre that drags us all down to a common denominator ; … that deprives us of judgement ; … that particularly deprives us of a sense of humour .
8 The proofs which he produced were so convincing that to keep him quiet he was first made Bishop of Exeter and then , when he complained that the diocese 's revenues were inadequate for his family , Bishop of Worcester .
9 Just in time , Dick developed a viral nasty that made him lethargic .
10 Hypothalamus and mid-brain glow together in radical synchronization , and above everything else — you — now a couple — feel the desire to eradicate every feeling of loss and separation , the desire to find the other that began it all .
11 Most discordant twins had one or other antigen , Identical twins who are discordant for diabetes start out with the same susceptibility ; it is only the action of an environmental stimulus on one twin , and its absence on the other that makes them discordant .
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