Example sentences of "[adj] that you [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Prophet made it clear that you can have up to four wives , ’ she said .
2 In houses for heating it 's conceivable that you could have a huge hot water store in the basement , or a store made up of round pebbles , heated by hot air , which you could then use by circulating cool air through them to produce hot air at other times .
3 ‘ No , I 'm afraid I ca n't — and I 'm also afraid that you might have to face up to the fact that Silas has n't got private talks in mind , ’ Lucy pointed out gently .
4 I was hoping that Steinmark would be back on Monday but I 'm afraid that you will have to carry on the best you can .
5 Firstly it is inevitable and natural and quite proper that you should have a sympathy , in particular for Mrs and her children and .
6 Remember it is possible that you might have to do what a bully or older person tells you , so that you can keep yourself safe .
7 However , it is possible that you may have surged before you began testing or that you are about to experience your LH surge .
8 It is even possible that you may have to leave your project before it is complete because of illness or assignment to other responsibilities or for some other reason .
9 Where you have settled the case prior to trial , it is possible that you may have a report that you would have disclosed and which would have formed part of the proceedings at trial had the case gone ahead .
10 But one has to bear in mind that it is always possible that you could have other materials for riding and so on .
11 Whatever local radio you were listening to during the 3rd week of June , it is likely that you would have heard Delahunty 's editorial director , Paul Mace , on the hour , every hour , bringing you those live reports from the Pilkington Glass Ladies ' Championships at Eastbourne .
12 It 's likely that you 'll have to have the lump removed , but that will be done through a tiny incision and it will be checked to make absolutely sure it is n't cancerous .
13 The damage to your dog 's pancreas is permanent , so it is likely that you will have to continue with the capsules for life , but with the right sort of diet , you may well be able to reduce the number he needs .
14 It is very likely that you will have used different facial expressions and even gestures and body movements .
15 Saturn your ruler is in exceptionally mood now so it is likely that you will have to put up with rather spartan conditions but you know how much is at stake for the future so you are happy to do without
16 If it seems inevitable that you will have to leave , consultation may still achieve a useful improvement in your severance terms .
17 I mean , it 's , it 's er , it 's er very regrettable that it literally takes er a very good er Cup er run for Oxford to stand any chance of breaking even in a season , and if you consistently lose anywhere between ten and fourteen thousand pounds a week , er it 's almost inevitable that you will have to close .
18 In winter it got so cold that you would have to wear your clothes in bed .
19 But you can be sure that you 'll have the time of your life .
20 I am sure that you will have felt indeed did the diocese of Middlesbrough proud too ’ .
21 But , at Seattle women 's art was so prolific that you would have needed a whole month to do the work justice .
22 If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to sources of infection , especially if you have been unwell for some time , you can discuss your concerns with your family doctor or antenatal clinic .
23 Her face was on a level with his ; she stared at him for some seconds before she said quietly , ‘ You need n't be concerned that you might have started something ; I 've got no ideas that way .
24 A wind from a direction that makes netting impossible in one area may be ideal somewhere else and it is , therefore , important that you should have surveyed your terrain with great care so that you are well aware of this .
25 It is common sense once you see the solution but it is unlikely that you would have thought of all of them a priori .
26 It is most unlikely that you will have a complain that can not be settled amicably between us .
27 I chose the filename PENGUIN because it 's unlikely that you will have a file of that name on your hard disk .
28 You will then need to go through all your entries to edit out your wrong spellings and inconsistencies since it is unlikely that you will have transcribed everything perfectly the first time .
29 I think there 's less risk of you being caught then — Lee 's and your mother 's people are looking for either a single man and woman or two unrelated young people ; it seems as if they think it 's inconceivable that you should have remained together .
30 ‘ The National Front Disco ’ is such a self-evidently silly title and the sentiments and tone so obviously satirical that you 'd have to be pretty blinkered to be offended by it .
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