Example sentences of "[adj] for [pron] [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is rather odd for someone who tends to denigrate official footpaths to be promoting a link between the Pennine and West Highland Ways .
2 Indeed , I wondered whether it was possible for someone who had not shared in their experience to pass physically through the white gateposts into the avenue , and attain the domain .
3 Then he said , " The Boxing and Coxing on the ships would only be possible for someone who controlled a shipping line .
4 Nobody likes to think about death … especially premature death … but the miracles of modern medicine now make it possible for someone who dies to give life to another .
5 When that happens , it will be possible for anyone who needs an interpreter to contact one by telephone and know that , when the interpreter arrived , he or she was competent and worked to a nationally recognised code of professional practice .
6 It is also very difficult not to feel sorry for someone who has so many negative characteristics .
7 I feel very sorry for anyone who loses their job .
8 ‘ Only you 'd have to feel sorry for anyone who kidnapped Barbs .
9 There is no doubt that he owed much to Peter Collinson for various introductions and was especially grateful for one who assisted with his son William 's career .
10 They would be grateful for anyone who has photographs , correspondence , or just memories to contact them at :
11 With the advent of punk music in 1977 I transferred my energies and enthusiasm from the military and spent a lot of time dressing up and putting Vaseline in my hair , much to the annoyance of my house master , a quiet Benedictine who wrote on my term report , ‘ Christian seems to have developed a nihilistic attraction for punk rock , which is strange for somebody who avoids violence even on the rugby field .
12 The ‘ alternative route ’ as outlined in your letter contains some mistakes and would be very confusing for anyone who did n't know the area .
13 It could be dangerous for anybody who knows . ’
14 ‘ For love is something so positive , so strong , so real , ’ he wrote exultantly to Theo , ‘ that it is as impossible for one who loves to take back that feeling as it is to take his own life . ’
15 The Bishop quotes , with approval , G. Bennett on spider webs : It is impossible for one who has watched the work for many hours to have any doubt that neither the present spiders of this species nor their ancestors were ever the architects of the web or that it could conceivably have been produced step by step through random variation ; it would be as absurd to suppose that the intricate and exact proportions of the Parthenon were produced by piling together bits of marble .
16 Medically , it 's impossible for someone who has lost their sight due to glaucoma to get it back . ’
17 However , it 's impossible for anyone who lived through those times to settle down to cosy domesticity , the world without adventure that Marius Goring offers Shearer .
18 Earlier we might have said his conduct and manner of speech were appropriate for one who wished to renounce the status he had stolen , and show his recognition of Esau 's authority as the elder son .
19 Nothing could have been more perfect for someone who had to work , but desperately wanted to enjoy the sunshine and activities of summer .
20 This is easy for one who sees , since he already possesses a picture of the surface of his own body ; and , on this account , he now , by means of the unchanging local sign , even in the dark , translates each stimulus which he has once seen act on a definite place , to the same place in this picture of the body which is mentally presented before him . ’
21 easy for you who to say
22 Mr Hermens added : ‘ Anyone can order the seals in the same number range and it would be easy for anyone who has the seals to open them .
23 Because it takes so long for blood alcohol levels to fall , it 's easy for someone who drinks ‘ modestly ’ at lunch time and after work to go over the limit , even though he may take only four units on each occasion .
24 It is evident that Labov 's methods of characterizing social and linguistic variation on a single continuum are indeed quite inappropriate for someone who wants to describe the phonology of an urban dialect in this kind of detail .
25 It is clearly inconsistent for one who calls Jesus " Lord " to think lightly of those scriptures which were to him the supreme revelation of God .
26 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
27 An annual briefing on cable break procedures and other emergencies would be very valuable for everyone who flies gliders , and particularly those who stop flying for long periods over the winter months and so get badly out of practice .
28 Lloyds Bank fund manager Michael Smith says : ‘ If the stock market picks up , as many are suggesting it will , PEPs will look more attractive than ever because the tax-free capital gain will be more valuable for someone who has consistently invested . ’
29 She raised her hand as a dubious Herr Nordern forced the car into almost the right gear and drove off with a curious jerking motion , then turned and went into the Centre with a look on her face which boded ill for anyone who crossed her path that day .
30 Pressed glass became fashionable in the 19th century , and it 's ideal for anyone who wants to start a collection as there are still some bargains to be found — look for it at junk shops and car-boot sales .
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