Example sentences of "[adj] for [adj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is outstanding for thousands of wigeon , teal , mallards and brent geese , plus oystercatchers , dunlins , curlews and foraging groups of snow buntings .
2 Local hire is possible for those on shore holidays who can go ‘ there and back ’ , and just wish to potter locally for an hour or two .
3 This can be very restrictive , and may be unsuitable for those at work outwith Central Edinburgh , or those tied to the home during the day :
4 This need not be a problem , especially as each will have a different approach to the same material , but it makes obvious sense on many counts if the teachers are each prepared for this by consultation . )
5 Dock empty for much of case
6 The expectations of what should be provided , in contrast with what is available , may be painful for some from minority groups .
7 Any window that opens outwards and is at head level is particularly dangerous for those without sight .
8 It is also uncomfortable for those in range of the teeth .
9 But as important as our joint interests are our shared values and I think a very good example of this is our common approach , er er , to the question of the Social Chapter for which the Labour opposition led , I may say , by two leading G M B spokesmen Jack and George the Labour opposition has fought long and hard for this in parliament , indeed , we have secured a vote on the question er , after the Queen 's ascent , and last month , I myself , as a guest of the Danish social democrats , took the argument to the continent in the Danish referendum , in the second Danish ref referendum , which I 'm very glad to say was won !
10 The risk of experiencing poverty is twice as great for those over retirement age than it is for below retirement age ( Johnson and Webb , 1990 ) .
11 The national curriculum will clarify the entitlement of every pupil and will therefore be helpful for those with concern for children with special needs .
12 The planner is endorsed by Peter Alliss who stated , " This excellent new planner will appeal to all golfers , invaluable for those in golf administration and everyone who follows the game . "
13 Which mortgage can not be held responsible for any out date of information that may have occurred due to changes taking place after the editorial deadline .
14 Who is responsible for Compact in school ?
15 NATIONAL Vocational Qualifications ( NVQs ) designed to introduce standards-based working practices throughout all areas of industry and commerce are set to be available for thousands of Group employees .
16 Ferret stocks have now been rebuilt sufficiently for them to be fairly readily available for those in need .
17 We 're desperate for those at work
18 He is certainly very very fast and Clubcall said that he was 27 and bought by Sheff Utd for 500,000 from Palace .
19 forthcoming ) seems to imply that it will become increasingly difficult for those over retirement age to obtain any paid work with which to supplement their pension .
20 Low in sodium and nitrates , this is suitable for those with heart and kidney problems .
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