Example sentences of "[adj] for [noun pl] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Further even that this , although it is not possible for knitters to write their own programs for Form , there are programs that lend themselves to a great deal of adaptation and change that can be used to knit almost any type of garment .
2 The 1980 Act also made it possible for parents to send their children to a school of their choice provided that places are available in their chosen school .
3 If a commitment to good schools and parental choice means anything it must mean encouraging good schools to get better and making it possible for parents to send their children there .
4 Thus it was possible for engineers to place their microphone to give a ratio of direct and reflected sound from the walls of the studio in order to achieve a pleasing artistic reproduction .
5 With the advent of GIS , it will be increasingly possible for non-cartographers to produce their own maps .
6 The opportunity was taken to provide the different subjects with their own suites of rooms making it possible for Departments to stamp their characters on their surroundings .
7 The relevant circumstances were that : ( i ) the limitation terms had nut been negotiated by any representative body ; ( ii ) the buyers could not have discovered the error ( i. e. that the wrong seed had been delivered ) until after the crop was sown , whereas the sellers were in a position to have known ; ( iii ) the buyers could not reasonably have been expected to cover such a risk ( i.e. of crop failure ) by insurance whereas it was possible for seedsmen to cover their liability by insurance at a modest premium which would not have put up the cost of seeds by very much ; ( iv ) the error could not have occurred without some negligence on the part of the sellers .
8 It is therefore possible for teachers to develop their own materials .
9 With the abolition of professional fee scales , it is possible for firms to publish their own house scales .
10 Due to the restrictions imposed by the airlines and the railways , we regret that it is not possible for passengers to take their own bikes .
11 I believe it should be possible for householders to check their own water supply for various chemical pollutants .
12 Nevertheless , it was now possible for men to decide their political allegiance for religious reasons ; England could be identified with the Protestant cause .
13 To this extent the gifts were tokens , and this basic concept remained , although under Rome , it was possible for individuals to make their own approaches with votive offerings .
14 Unfortunately , due to the recent industrial dispute involving the road haulage industry , it is taking longer than usual for orders to reach our customers .
15 Even in less overtly sex-segregated cultures , as researchers like Marjorie Goodwin have argued , it is still usual for children to develop their communicational skills within single sex peer groups , and if these are organised differently to do different things , the speech norms girls and boys acquire may well be different too .
16 It argues that it is impractical for countries to protect their interests by patenting plant species .
17 The official reversal of the ‘ Tiananmen verdict ’ furthered the belief that it was now acceptable for citizens to voice their own views on the events surrounding ‘ April Fifth ’ .
18 However , it would be dangerous for investors to pin their colours too firmly to that particular mast .
19 Former technical direct Dr Nigel Mykura told us the immediate cause of his February 1991 resignation was a transfer of £350,000 from AMS1s bank account to another MacDonald company , which Mykura believed would make it impossible for AMS to continue its research .
20 Even after he had made them known , he had made it virtually impossible for voters to express their agreement with his views ( by refusing to patronize the Union Gaulliste or some equivalent ) .
21 A Nairn Free Church minister , Colin Rogerson , said it was impossible for Christians to lower their standards from that of scripture , but added that a common meeting place with the ‘ morally neutral ’ health board was possible .
22 It is impossible for words to express my fixed determination of alleviating this evil — even to the small extent of one neighbourhood only — were it only possible . ’
23 One is a problem of content : it is appropriate for feminists to celebrate their diverse sexual choices ( lesbianism or spinsterhood , for instance ) but not , perhaps , to reduce ourselves to body parts ( I would have problems referring to myself approvingly as a cunt , or even as a slut , since I would rather challenge the necessity for a linguistic category of ‘ unchaste ’ women than embrace it with joy ) .
24 They 're fickle sods , after all , and I think it 's already too easy for men to shirk their responsibilities towards us .
25 It may be hard for teachers to combine their professional status with concern for the morals , the welfare , and the ‘ leisure ’ development of their pupils .
26 It is also illegal for manufacturers to give their product a misleading name , or to claim that it is made of a particular ingredient which in fact makes up a very small proportion of the product .
27 It was not uncommon for respondents to express their incredulity that any solicitor could give an undertaking the compliance with which lay outside of his or her control .
28 It is not uncommon for clients to show their report to their employers or to defence experts , whether to be helpful or to justify themselves .
29 It is perfectly feasible for manufacturers to package their goods in recycled paper without loss of appeal or quality , yet at present only 27 per cent of the paper we consume is recycled , and less than 20 per cent of household newspapers and magazines are recovered .
30 Bernard would lie awake for hours waging his nightly battle with carnality , slapping it down , groaning .
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