Example sentences of "[adj] it is to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How dreadfully uncomfortable it is to be ill when one lives alone .
2 How easy it is to be expert in theory !
3 Let us consider watercress as a typical example of how easy it is to be deceived .
4 Consider how easy it is to be misled by the persuasive power of apparent proof .
5 In a week 's time you will find how easy it is to be perfectly objective with your child and at the same time kindly .
6 First , the episode shows how easy it is to be led astray by one 's own rhetoric .
7 By the end of two hours … the children have rescued a man from a burning building , , , , handled a gas leak … learnt about electricity … and dsicvoeverd just how easy it is to be tricked into going with strangers .
8 The longer it stays in the air , the more likely it is to be oxidised acid , the process speeded up by pollutants such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide .
9 Nothing is impossible and the more unlikely the allegation the more likely it is to be true .
10 It is also probably true that the more specialized the catalogue the more likely it is to be used for selection — for instance , the catalogues of local publishers , those of specialized formats ( e. g. microforms , large print books ) , or those in subject fields which are dominated by the work of one or two publishers .
11 The more we do to our hair — whether it is blow-drying , heat-styling , perming or colouring — the more likely it is to be porous , dry and dull .
12 The deeper down a tunnel goes the more dangerous it is and the more likely it is to be inhabited by some terrible monster .
13 This example illustrates a general point , namely that the more heavily regulated by statute a government activity is , the more likely it is to be amenable to judicial review .
14 The more organized the body of knowledge appears to be , the more distinct its academic identity , and the more likely it is to be called a ‘ discipline ’ .
15 Confirming instances are such if they give inductive support to a theory , and the greater the number of confirming instances established , the greater the support for the theory and the more likely it is to be true .
16 The more severe PMS , the more likely it is to be noticed — over 20% had their behaviour commented on by colleagues .
17 Where the breach is caused by inadvertent default the more serious the type of breach covered by the clause , the less likely it is to be reasonable .
18 The more complicated and far-reaching that the clause is , the more likely it is to be ineffective .
19 The further away from the making of the contract it was made the more likely it is to be considered as a misrepresentation .
20 The wider the purported exclusion , the more likely it is to be held unreasonable .
21 ‘ Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to be caught in flagrante with my boss ? ’
22 And grand it is to be sure .
23 ‘ Think how terrible it is to be blind !
24 I thought I should let you know how valuable I think the analysis is to the conservation movement , and how helpful it is to be able to lend weight to a fresh strategy , such as that proposed in the paper .
25 ‘ We hope this information pack will show how important it is to be a good owner . ’
26 So far in this chapter I have tried to spell out how important it is to be clear where one starts from , where present trends are taking one to , and to be ruthlessly honest about the threats from the competition and from the external environment .
27 Nowadays everybody is aware of how important it is to be fit .
28 The rational agent can then calculate the expected utility of each action by assigning a ‘ utility ’ ( a quotient of happiness , so to speak ) to each consequence and discounting it for how likely or unlikely it is to be the actual consequence .
29 Certainly , it is sometimes said that a claim for conspiracy gives the plaintiff procedural advantages , but the reality of this may turn on how far it is to be held on ordinary principles that instigation or procurement suffices to make a person who does not participate in the act a joint tortfeasor .
30 Why do n't I do the first half and you have an early night , and I 'll wake you at two o'clock ? ’ , knowing full well how awful it is to be woken out of a deep sleep at 2am to start work .
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