Example sentences of "[adj] to [verb] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We 're all prone to do that , were all prone to take the line of least resistance and you find this not just in the truth but in any sort of community in life , in any area of life that wish to go , you , you may find this at work or at school , you youngsters , there 's always a little Johnny at the back is n't it , that , that will fit in the back row and think if I 'm back here teacher wo n't notice you see , were act were actually tuck himself up in the corner and er think well if I 'm , if I 'm up here nobody will notice me and see the day goes by and er we do n't have so much to do , those are the type of people that in , in , in a physical life er sort of going to sleep are n't they , they do n't want to accept responsibility and we , we find even in the truth , you 'll always find it in congregations like we have here in our congregation , we 're not different , we 're all the same are n't we , we 're all flesh and we 're all imperfect and we 're all prone to doing or wanting to do the things that are different or you know than , than what Jehovah wants us to do and we all want to tuck ourselves up a little corner sometimes and yet we should n't be like that and this is what the scriptures tell us and warn us about to put ourselves headlong into the truth , be whole sole , be awake , be alert , be vigilant to the things that are going on and there 's a lot going on in the truth at this particular time , things are changing , the scriptures tell us that the scene of the world is changing and that 's true is n't it ?
2 He was frequently sick , though the doctor could find nothing physically wrong with him , took to borrowing money which he did not pay back , and was averse to working or changing his clothes .
3 This process , whilst seemingly disruptive , is more akin to unravelling or undoing a complex structure in order to better understand its make-up , but in doing so to express differences in terms of juxtapositions or comparisons , rather than seeking a unitary , univocal dimension based on hierarchical values .
4 The heart of the momentous events of that time was that ‘ softening up ’ operations prior to invading or neutralising the island were successfully resisted .
5 This makes it vital for the pilot to be able to manage any loss of control due to stalling or spiralling without using them .
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