Example sentences of "[adj] in [noun] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 However , the distinction between discretions and duties is not so clear in practice as it is in theory .
2 Oh no , no , no , not at all af after the war work it , it just seemed to er no one ever seemed to get any be interested in flying as they were pre-war then , or they probably that they had cars and they could get about more you know to other outlying places like Pentiford in Wolverhampton
3 Harry looked as derelict in death as he must have done in life .
4 The first deals with the reasons of the ( apparent ) diminution of objects as they recede from the eye , and is known as Perspective of Diminution : the second contains the way colours vary as they recede from the eye : the third and last explains how objects should appear less distinct in proportion as they are more remote .
5 The problem of the observer is as crucial in biology as it is in physics .
6 They wanted any interim government to be as Burmese in composition as they could secure from HMG .
7 Militant anti-war protest has ( with the possible exception of the early 1980s ) never been so widespread in Britain as it was in the years immediately before the Second World War .
8 Ventriloquism , the legacy of Socrates , as oppressive in Africa as it was in Athens .
9 It that department the car was as in good in Ulster as it was in Donegal . ’
10 Meanwhile the Labour Party continues to be as inadequate in Opposition as it would be in government .
11 Claudius , despite the defeat of his allies , proved as resolute in adversity as his father .
12 Freud considers that there may be something intractable in humanity as we know it , a part of our basic psychic constitution which remains uneasy , discontented , even hostile to civilization , and that this finds expression in such romantic ideals as the return to nature .
13 Shreeves ' side have another day 's advantage on the other British teams involved in Europe as they do n't meet Porto in their second round second leg tie until Thursday night .
14 Characters are most frequently involved in actions as they actively or passively deserve .
15 Yanto was deep in thought as he walked over the canal bridge that evening .
16 He looked deep in thought as he approached but the thing which intrigued Annie most was the way his mouth moved .
17 I do n't find the whole situation as rich in humour as he does .
18 They want to engage in as mature a fashion as possible in realities as they are being experienced in order to take and make their own authority for their existence without being caught in the many traps for immaturity which are open to them .
19 The hero of Waugh 's Sword of Honour trilogy ( 1952–61 ) , again , is virtuously gauche ; so is Kingsley Amis 's Lucky Jim in 1954 , a comic hero usually as polite in aspiration as he is socially incompetent in practice ; and so , it must be imagined , was the young Betjeman who , as he revealed in ‘ A Subaltern 's Love-song in New Bats in Old Belfries ( 1945 ) , adored girls too strong for their fainting admirers , whether at love or tennis :
20 Another facet : a ribbed hall of towering , icon-stencilled machine tools , littered with corpses , many of them as grotesque in death as they had been in life …
21 It will stand you in good stead throughout your life because effective note-taking is as important in business as it is to study .
22 However , his appearance had been that of an eighteen-year-old , which makes nonsense for a second time of the press claims that Lord Haw-Haw was as puny in appearance as he had been in his human sympathies .
23 The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in magazines , though the Hudson somewhat less so than the river I 'd just left .
24 Safety is also uppermost in mind as he works as a lifeguard .
25 Robert Dexter 's eyes were shrewd in understanding as he returned her look , but it seemed as if he too realised the wisdom of not putting thoughts into words .
26 I had walked about five hundred yards and yet only in this one spot , about as big in area as my dining table , had the normally silty bottom been cleared by the actions of the fish and clearly exposing masses of broken mussel shell fragments against which the zander stood out very boldly .
27 Seconds later she was suddenly aware that he had drawn gently away , and her eyes flew open in shock as she felt his firm hand untangling her fingers from his hair .
28 It was only when his mouth claimed hers that some kind of reality surged back into her consciousness and her eyes flew wide open in horror as she belatedly realised just what was happening .
29 Leith 's mouth fell open in surprise as she realised that this awful man thought she and Travis were sleeping together .
30 Her eyes flew wide open in surprise as he lifted her easily into his arms .
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