Example sentences of "[adj] in [noun prp] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But apparently unflustered by the incident , he was soon pressing the flesh with the party faithful in Cheltenham and rejecting any suggestion that his party may lose this key marginal seat .
2 The pamphlet was distributed free in Donegal and went through five reprints up to February 1980 , with 6,500 copies being produced , most of which were distributed free in Donegal .
3 Although he married into one of the long-established British families and lived on the island for so long , Dr Grabham still bemoaned the exclusiveness of the British in Madeira and said he always felt like an outsider .
4 If Dave looks interested in Andy and smiles encouragingly , his sub-text reads , ‘ I 'm looking forward to chatting with you . ’
5 The student could with advantage try his hand at writing and arranging music for this combination , also for ‘ choirs ’ of homogeneous brass instruments , now popular in America and beginning to appear elsewhere .
6 On the continent his troupes were popular in Germany and had regular bookings at the Paris Olympia and the Casino de Paris .
7 Edward 's downfall had been sudden and complete ; yet its instigators , the queen and Mortimer , had never been popular in England and had enjoyed little if any overt support there until they landed in September 1326 .
8 Attis , was , however , more popular in Britain than has hitherto been supposed .
9 The trip was a great success , the subsequent Travels in the West exhibition proving very popular in Nanjing and giving him his first taste of newspaper and television attention .
10 We may have been poor and ignorant in Glasgow but ratting on our friends was something we left to the narks , the narks and the prosperous classes .
11 Since she has done the unthinkable in LA and has never got round to buying herself a car , bus rides are the only way of getting around and the 6am commute to work brings her daily inspiration .
12 These methods of securing freedom of speech may have been effective , but they are happily unusual in England and constituted in our opinion a deplorable outrage of public order .
13 Having noted that Molla Husrev held the combined posts until 877 , Katib Celebi then asserts first that the office of Mufti was made an adjunct to Molla Arab 's teaching at the Sahn ; second , he unaccountably inserts a chronogram for Molla Husrev 's death ; third , he makes the unadorned and apparently irrelevant statement that Abdulkerim was Multi in Edirne and died in 879 ; and fourth , he returns to Molla Arab , essentially repeating what he has already said .
14 This practice was very widespread in Kursk as opposed to the Smolensk guberniia .
15 The glacial drifts on which many soils are developed are widespread in Lewis and occur sporadically in Harris , North Uist , Benbecula and South Uist .
16 He went sick in September and had not returned to work since .
17 He went sick in September and had not returned to work since .
18 It shares the main galleries of the ICA 's ground floor with ‘ Craft Morphology Flow Chart ’ ( 1991 , Lannan Foundation ) which created a strong impression at the recent Carnegie International in Pittsburgh and consists of rows of hand-made woollen dolls laid out in tables .
19 They agree that to isolate the causes of the revolution one must search for factors which were present in Britain and absent in , say , France or Belgium .
20 So while Nicholas Lyndhurst was playing Rodney ‘ the plonker ’ in Only Fools And Horses , Andrew was on stage in Richard III or playing Osric in Hamlet and Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet .
21 One of the most significant sources of competition law is the EEC Treaty , which may be directly applicable in England and override municipal law .
22 There is however a real SunBox : a four-box rack-mounted cluster due in July and aimed at Auspex Systems Inc 's NFS file servers .
23 He received his education at Donaldson 's School for the Deaf in Edinburgh and stayed on in the capacity of pupil-teacher as the only deaf member of staff .
24 There were few Marxists in the ILP but it was disproportionately strong in Scotland and came under the domination of the " Clydesider " MPs returned in 1922 , from acutely overcrowded and poor constituencies which seemed to call for extreme social measures .
25 A regular in the reserves last season made his first team debut vs Sheffield United in April and made six subsequent League appearances .
26 American travellers became stranded in Europe and turned into expatriates or exiles in Henry James 's novels , shadowy amalgamation of foreign manners with shreds of familiar accents that were up to the narrator to decipher , but it could n't happen to her , not in 1928 , even with a crash .
27 He followed a network of country lanes and the occasional field path and by four fifteen was safe in Ulster and standing on British soil .
28 I 'm usually stuck in London and do n't meet the real people .
29 Mr Rawlinson said NACRO was busy in Harwich and had recently undertaken work to clear up the town 's Bobbitt 's Hole nature reserve and The Hangings beauty spot .
30 Duff , who won the title when representing Auchinleck back in 1988 , but now resident in England and representing his new country , looked to be heading for the quarter-finals when he opened up a 6-1 final-set lead over Dennis Catunarich .
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