Example sentences of "[adj] and are [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We , on this side , are concerned about the plight of unemployed and are currently running training schemes to help them back into labour market .
2 The majority of these women have remained unemployed and are now working for the opposition movement in a variety of ways .
3 Books about sex , illustrated guides to love-making , are also popular and are still considered as novelties in a society where such books have rarely been seen before and where sex was a taboo subject .
4 They are unpopular since they are regressive and are poorly related to income .
5 Although graphite and diamond both exist at ordinary temperatures and pressures , diamonds are actually unstable and are continuously reverting to graphite .
6 He is resigned to a fairly high turnover of the younger foreign waiters , who he claims only come to learn English and are frequently tempted away to city-centre establishments .
7 Acid lavas , such as those composed of rhyolite , which are derived from magma with a high silica content , are the most viscous and are generally erupted at the lowest temperatures ( Fig. 5.5 ) .
8 For our portfolio of potential projects , the estimated development costs now average $3.4 per boe real and are still falling .
9 These are disease-free and nutritious and are best fed when they are fresh from the hatchery and still contain the marine algae , on which they in turn were fed , undigested in their stomachs .
10 ‘ You see , from now on our demands are that your wife and child remain unharmed and are eventually released unharmed .
11 Bedrooms are spacious and are traditionally furnished .
12 Some professional golfers become obsessional and are forever tinkering with their clubs and ultimately it becomes a self-defeating process .
13 Thank you Lord , for hearing our prayers for those who have been ill and are now recovering ; thank you for the skills of hospital staff in caring for members of St Leonard 's over the past few weeks .
14 The macaques ' delicate hands look remarkably human and are well adapted for grasping and holding objects .
15 And a little later Havelock Ellis noted ( also citing Booth ) that : ‘ The advantage for women of free sexual unions over compulsory marriage is well recognised in the case of the working classes in London , amongst whom sexual relationships before marriage are not unusual and are indulgently regarded . ’
16 Sponges are always synthetic and are usually made from polyurethane foam or similar expanded plastics .
17 The restrictions generated by rational expectations models are very often non-linear and are also imposed across equations rather than in a single equation .
18 Having denounced the election as a ‘ stinking farce ’ designed to hand Cambodia over to Vietnam , they have suddenly warmed to the democratic ideal and are now denouncing the CPP for resisting the result .
19 The problems facing American industry are the opposite and are likewise steeped in our culture .
20 the problems will just increase , and the poor and are just going to get poorer .
21 Primary small cell gastric lymphomas are less frequent and are usually localised , solitary lesions that can be completely excised .
22 Prison industries and work programmes … are ill-planned , antiquated , wasteful and unproductive and are little suited to equip inmates with any useful skill …
23 The variations are virtually endless and are only limited by the imagination of the individual .
24 It is reported that most cohabiting lone parents describe themselves as married and are therefore classified as such ( OPCS , 1985 ) .
25 Car makers have worked hard to make engines and exhausts more refined and are now encapsulating diesel engines to muffle the sound .
26 This one however , is actually very sturdily built and snaps shut with a pleasing click , unlike those on some other systems that look flimsy and are easily broken .
27 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : I shall seek to find out the exact number of times and shall write to the Hon. Member , but I think that what I said was absolutely correct : that the sanctions are severe and are rarely used .
28 Most of our countries are very small and are widely scattered .
29 These two are the marsupials ( whose young are born very small and are then kept in a pouch ) and the placentals ( all the rest of us ) .
30 This list includes eight marginal species — mountain and forest mammals that occur only on the arctic fringe — and over a dozen others that seldom penetrate far and are never found in the northern zones .
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