Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But in the end when the mind has become permanently calm and we have released ourselves from the enslavement by the child , we can relax our guard and bring together the diverse parts of life in a total unity ,
2 You should have this one twenty left over so just check that and make sure that you have cos if you have n't something 's gone wrong and you have to start again but you
3 At our next meeting we were able to have a long chat , I found very frank and easy to talk to and felt very much that a two way supportive relationship developed quite quickly , as opposed to supporter-supportee ( does this word exist ? ) . is now 14 months old and we have contrived to get together on a regular basis .
4 ‘ The ruling Pakistan Peoples Party was a prestigious party that was popular and they have let its prestige be ruined . ’
5 This year — 1991 — results have been quite different and we have had a heavy crop , 70% of which was in the large or very large grades and the berries were full of juice and flavour .
6 They 're not on show because displaying costume is very difficult , because you have to have very strict environment control ; and light has to be very dim and you have to watch the relative humidity .
7 You have interfered in the situation in a way which may be — I do n't necessarily say it is — very dangerous and you have to think out in detail how that is going to work .
8 ‘ I do n't know anything except I 've done something unforgivable and you have to help me undo it .
9 You realise that this world is not easy and you have to fight if you want to survive in it , like all the way , non-stop .
10 ‘ Their enthusiasm and commitment is simply tremendous and they have helped many people to find a new start in life . ’
11 Probably because the road 's all bumpy and they have to make it nice and smooth again
12 It 's pitch dark and you have to stand up dead straight and if you wobble at all you get spiked either by the glass on the walls or the nails on the door .
13 Sometimes I think we have been too conservative and worried about things like a hi-hat not sounding right and we have lost the edge .
14 It 's not right and I have to lie for him !
15 My neck is still not quite right and I have injured a shoulder .
16 and I just do n't want to move out of being a student because I find that , that more and more problems are , you know I 'm coming up with because , like Melanie saying there is problems with child care , there is erm positive discrimination against women , and we are always discriminated on the sexual harassment in the college is unbelievable and we have to campaign against this and that 's what 's gon na keep me being a student .
17 Our survey programmes have been extensive and we have found nothing of a type similar to that which has been found in Derbyshire .
18 If your skin is dry and you have to slather on moisturiser to soften it , check your cleansing routine before you buy a heavier moisturiser .
19 I 'm telling you we work hard , I know we can get better organized , but we do work very hard and we have to work on so many fronts .
20 And , as Appendix III shows , there 's the additional incentive , for many people , in keeping in with Mr Jones in case times get hard and they have to appeal to him for a loan to tide them over .
21 However , despite the formality and repetitive nature of the daily programme the atmosphere was relaxed and we have brought home an overwhelming impression of children and adults working together with great courage , motivation and a sense of humour .
22 Sometimes you have to strike very quickly , such as when fish are finicky and you have to respond to twitch bites .
23 With any disturbed child , we have to be patient and we have to learn to wait .
24 You have been patient and you have worked hard , and I fear on many occasions late into the night I 'm sure , you have proved adaptable and er you have been good-tempered .
25 There are some unavoidable costs er on that account , particularly on the engine programme where delays to the aircraft programme which result in extra costs on the engine side , are the customer 's liability , erm but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think , from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment that we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non-common and we have had to take a larger share of the costs of those equipments than originally planned .
26 ‘ He said : ‘ You are sick and you have had your appendix out . ’
27 ‘ He said : ‘ You are sick and you have had your appendix out . ’
28 ‘ Most patients do n't require any treatment , but occasionally bites become infected and we have to intervene . ’
29 My discussions with the café owner have always been amiable and I have paid for car parking ( when asked ) and have gone about my business in an unobtrusive manner .
30 There has to be unity between black and white and we have to face this together . ’
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