Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 From what her mother had told her the experience would be horrendous and she had cried herself to sleep for the past week thinking about it .
2 Either other areas where it 's very specialized and you had to look up words , or other difficulties with the
3 But in the end when the mind has become permanently calm and we have released ourselves from the enslavement by the child , we can relax our guard and bring together the diverse parts of life in a total unity ,
4 ‘ It 's all been very interesting and I 've learned quite a lot of things I did n't know before .
5 Progna I s to be quite h I 've forgotten , it used to me it means something quite interesting and I 've forgotten .
6 He 's recently widowed and he 's got four children .
7 I mean , if you , if you into , if you were trying to look into building or commercial and you had to send them a planning application for it , you 'd have to prove that building could support the weight .
8 Well I do it probably was actually but it was the switch that had gone , maybe lightning had hopped across the switch , yeah , but erm , that 's all it was it was the switch , but er , I mean the thing is it went wrong and they had to pay for it , okay it 's only a tenner to have it done , but it , if a C D player , I mean if the carriage goes , you know , sixty , seventy quid , you know I 'm buying these electrical things , it 's , because it 's a burg lock , I can buy them , get them a warranty with it an'all , then it 's took the burden off them .
9 ‘ He proved us wrong and we 've apologised , but I think most parents would have reacted exactly the same way . ’
10 They saw that , you know the , this wa wash your face campaign and all of a sudden their cadres were pretty unpopular and they thought goodness me , we 're really doing something , we 're just doing something wrong and we 've got to try and mobilize support , we need a radical policy .
11 Shh shh , she 's done nothing , she 's done nothing wrong and I 've assaulted her was the assault justified ?
12 She had never intended to do wrong and he had punished her too hard !
13 You should have this one twenty left over so just check that and make sure that you have cos if you have n't something 's gone wrong and you have to start again but you
14 The few rooms were large and high and she had painted the walls in pale yellows and greens .
15 One is that twenty nine percent is too high and you 've explained that is n't , that is an artificial figure .
16 Go too high and you 've had it .
17 So there undoubtedly a temptation to think , well let's not bother about that , let's pick them up when they are two years old and they 've survived this particularly hazardous first period .
18 We met er , a beautiful old English sheep dog , seven months old and they 've got to find a new home for it , because they 're off to America .
19 At our next meeting we were able to have a long chat , I found very frank and easy to talk to and felt very much that a two way supportive relationship developed quite quickly , as opposed to supporter-supportee ( does this word exist ? ) . is now 14 months old and we have contrived to get together on a regular basis .
20 Ten years old and you 've wet the bed !
21 Everybody 's completely different and there 's such a tendency not to study people really and to simply think of them as all exactly the same , ‘ You 're 75 and you 're old and you 've got to put up with that .
22 Pat : He was six months old and I 'd gone down for his second immunisation and I mean the doctor I went to see was a family doctor — I 've known him since I was a baby — and he just , he was looking at him and he just said , ‘ Is your husband Chinese ? ’
23 I 've been going to the cinema ever since I was 7 years old and I 've seen fights at many films .
24 ‘ He 's old and he 's come in here two times , ’ Mario was saying .
25 Well I , I met him actually through er I was nursing erm a baby , she was only three months old and she 'd had , she 'd caught , from her older sister she 'd caught whooping cough .
26 Then he said , ‘ It 's nothing to do with what 's right or wrong , just that she 's old and she 's got nowhere to go . ’
27 When he did finally get to his feet his legs were unsteady and he had to stick close to the tables for support on his way to the door .
28 Deputy 's free and I 've booked him for the launch
29 I thought it was really very funny , this long straggly black hair , he looked absolutely miserable , he thought he was now spiritually calm and spiritually sane and he 's got this peculiar thing on his head that makes him look so daft .
30 They 're just obviously between overs at the moment , it 's just finished an over and they 've got the bowler up .
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