Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 From what her mother had told her the experience would be horrendous and she had cried herself to sleep for the past week thinking about it .
2 But in the end when the mind has become permanently calm and we have released ourselves from the enslavement by the child , we can relax our guard and bring together the diverse parts of life in a total unity ,
3 ‘ It 's all been very interesting and I 've learned quite a lot of things I did n't know before .
4 Progna I s to be quite h I 've forgotten , it used to me it means something quite interesting and I 've forgotten .
5 He 's recently widowed and he 's got four children .
6 ‘ He proved us wrong and we 've apologised , but I think most parents would have reacted exactly the same way . ’
7 They saw that , you know the , this wa wash your face campaign and all of a sudden their cadres were pretty unpopular and they thought goodness me , we 're really doing something , we 're just doing something wrong and we 've got to try and mobilize support , we need a radical policy .
8 Only it went wrong and I got caught by the Russians .
9 Shh shh , she 's done nothing , she 's done nothing wrong and I 've assaulted her was the assault justified ?
10 She had never intended to do wrong and he had punished her too hard !
11 The few rooms were large and high and she had painted the walls in pale yellows and greens .
12 One is that twenty nine percent is too high and you 've explained that is n't , that is an artificial figure .
13 Go too high and you 've had it .
14 So there undoubtedly a temptation to think , well let's not bother about that , let's pick them up when they are two years old and they 've survived this particularly hazardous first period .
15 We met er , a beautiful old English sheep dog , seven months old and they 've got to find a new home for it , because they 're off to America .
16 At our next meeting we were able to have a long chat , I found very frank and easy to talk to and felt very much that a two way supportive relationship developed quite quickly , as opposed to supporter-supportee ( does this word exist ? ) . is now 14 months old and we have contrived to get together on a regular basis .
17 Ten years old and you 've wet the bed !
18 Everybody 's completely different and there 's such a tendency not to study people really and to simply think of them as all exactly the same , ‘ You 're 75 and you 're old and you 've got to put up with that .
19 Pat : He was six months old and I 'd gone down for his second immunisation and I mean the doctor I went to see was a family doctor — I 've known him since I was a baby — and he just , he was looking at him and he just said , ‘ Is your husband Chinese ? ’
20 I 've been going to the cinema ever since I was 7 years old and I 've seen fights at many films .
21 ‘ He 's old and he 's come in here two times , ’ Mario was saying .
22 Well I , I met him actually through er I was nursing erm a baby , she was only three months old and she 'd had , she 'd caught , from her older sister she 'd caught whooping cough .
23 Then he said , ‘ It 's nothing to do with what 's right or wrong , just that she 's old and she 's got nowhere to go . ’
24 Deputy 's free and I 've booked him for the launch
25 I thought it was really very funny , this long straggly black hair , he looked absolutely miserable , he thought he was now spiritually calm and spiritually sane and he 's got this peculiar thing on his head that makes him look so daft .
26 They 're just obviously between overs at the moment , it 's just finished an over and they 've got the bowler up .
27 ‘ The ruling Pakistan Peoples Party was a prestigious party that was popular and they have let its prestige be ruined . ’
28 Er what he did n't do which is which is very sensible and what has failed for other companies is that he did n't decide this is a good idea I 'll have somebody in Newcastle and somebody in Edinburgh and I 'll have somebody , in other words he gradually built the whole of the business out until he reached London by which time he he 'd a hell of exp er a lot of experience and knowledge about this thing 's going .
29 She said the notice was very detailed and it had taken longer than expected to draw up .
30 It was here when it started and the ward was empty and I 've watched it fill up , and now I 'm watching it empty again .
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