Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The input to a program should be clear and kept to a minimum ; the output on the screen should be clear and presented at a sensible speed ; and any ‘ special ’ or complex computer procedures should appear to the user as ordinary and easy to use .
2 Others might be talking to their girlfriends or just idly smoking and looking at the sky .
3 When he shows a film or summat his room 's like a little cinema — you know , people sitting round watching the telly in the dark , and smoking and laughing at the funny bits and that .
4 The photograph was brown and curling at the edges .
5 Mauléon also has a rather wonderful Renaissance chateau in the centre of the town , with a roof to remember , a good thirty feet high and pitched at an angle of 75 degrees .
6 Sitting with legs apart , stretch your arms up high and twist at the waist .
7 Stretch up high and twist at the waist .
8 Each had a feather-plumed bonnet and the filabeg , the small plaid , heavy wool an arm 's length wide and four arm-spans long , pleated and belted at the waist , the free end swung up and pinned over the shoulder of his saffron-dyed shirt .
9 I am deeply grateful to my parents for the fact that until I was twelve years old and started at the grammar school , I was completely unaware of class distinctions .
10 The young leaves are very narrow , ribbon-like , linear and pointed at the tip .
11 Turning to football , the West Indies have done nothing on an international scale , though the game is popular and played at a domestic level .
12 His requirements are not modest : he would like a building of 3500 to 5000 square metres , acquired , staffed and maintained at the expense of the British government .
13 Different types of management experience were integrated into a set of principles which were all interrelated and presented at a level of generality which made them as widely applicable as possible .
14 ‘ But the men were many and clever and shot at the eagles with arrows , and trapped them in nets and put them to death , one after another .
15 So what happens if we do something similar and look at the world through a single object — the humble apple , for instance ?
16 So my dad he got snarky and barked at the shark .
17 Shreds of rubber twisted and coiled at the edge of the highway .
18 Another design that was to remain a firm favourite was the waterproof snow boot — fur-lined , with suede on the outside and fastened at the front or side with a zip .
19 I am sure she speaks for many people in the village who are alarmed and distressed at the school conflict , of which they have probably been aware only since the parents ' petition .
20 And then the monster looked very hurt and sad and stared at the floor .
21 Community-based nurses have understandably been feeling nervous and unsettled at the prospect of an uncharted future , and late last year , in order to allay these feelings , the UKCC distributed a consultation document to all members of the profession , inviting them to comment on the proposals .
22 She felt infantilised by them , but also felt bitterly that they were not fair , and she was bored and frightened at the thought of remaining bored all her life .
23 As I panted into Stranraer Gardens , following the no-hopers rule for cross-country — never run in a straight line — I was flailing my arms left and right and zigzagging at an angle of about ten degrees to the horizontal .
24 Quartz , on the other hand , is the most stable and crystallizes at the lowest temperature .
25 Expanded and renovated at a cost of C$58 million , but over 50% of staff laid off
26 They need a sympathetic response , that is understandable and starts at the beginning .
27 But if you only listen well and make little contribution yourself , you risk suppressing your own needs and leaving the other party feeling cheated and exposed at the end of the conversation .
28 Although castellated and towered at the front , the Castle is in fact a perfectly ordinary farmhouse behind the façade , and its rear elevation is plain and workmanlike .
29 However , atherosclerosis appears to be more extensive and to develop at an earlier age in diabetic patients ( Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
30 The most significant development during this period was the formation of the Central Gneiss Zone , some 10–20km broad and dipping at an angle of 30–40° to the north and bounded to the south by the Main Central Thrust ( Fig. 3.22 ) .
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