Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On arrival at the theatre I was met by Mr and Mrs Alexander Heymeyer , the latter was originally Scottish and born on the Isle of Skye .
2 She was anxious , for no such thing has ever happened to her before , her memory was always clear and rounded as a bell-note and utterly reliable .
3 The input to a program should be clear and kept to a minimum ; the output on the screen should be clear and presented at a sensible speed ; and any ‘ special ’ or complex computer procedures should appear to the user as ordinary and easy to use .
4 The input to a program should be clear and kept to a minimum ; the output on the screen should be clear and presented at a sensible speed ; and any ‘ special ’ or complex computer procedures should appear to the user as ordinary and easy to use .
5 Because of the sensitive nature of this service the pre-issuance review is necessary to give additional assurance that the firm policy is adhered to and that the firm 's report is clear and responds to the needs of the client .
6 But all over the pastoral Midlands and the south of England too , the canals flowed clear and sparkling in the sunshine , something new in the landscape with their towpaths , lock-keepers ’ cottages , stables for canal horses , their Navigation or Canal Inns where they met a main road , and their long and narrow gaily painted boats .
7 The moon had set , but the sky was clear and lit by a sprinkling of stars .
8 He found it and clung there for a while , then pushed clear and knelt among the waves , head lowered .
9 He wiped them clear and peered inside the smoking gap .
10 ‘ Apparently you keep the path clear and look after the little hut ; does your father come here much ? ’
11 Lucien , keeping close behind , noticed that Tavalouze 's robe was a little stained , and his hair was as unshaped and straggling as a beggar 's .
12 It was a dazzling Saturday afternoon , and the park was full of contented people : children stood knicker-deep in bliss , stroking the paddling-pool as if it were some great tame animal ; attendant mothers soaked in the sun ; lovers were prone and entranced on the grass .
13 They were the harmless copying the harmful and benefiting from the deception .
14 This use of language is poetic and characterized by the intention being applied not only to content but also to its specific form .
15 In tests with intragastric administration of bFGF , the peptide was dissolved in 1 ml of saline and instilled into the stomach via the cannula of the gastric fistula and the fistula was closed for 30 minutes .
16 Sucralfate or bFGF was dissolved in saline and given by the intragastric route in a volume of 1 ml or infused subcutaneously at 4ml/hour .
17 Briefly , serum ( 1 ml ) was diluted with two volumes of isotonic saline and extracted on a small column of octadecysilane bonded silica at 64°C .
18 The slides were then washed in phosphate buffered saline and incubated with a 1:300 dilution of biotinylated anti-mouse antibody ( Dakopatts , Denmark ) .
19 The aqueous solution was made fresh daily and used in the rats at a dose 10 times higher ( 50 µg/kg ) than that shown in separate experiments on these animals to reduce by 50% the platelet activating factor induced hypotension ( ID 5 =5 µg/kg ip ) .
20 political ideology is male-biased and associated with the values of male supremacy and ferocity ;
21 The data stored and manipulated within a GIS are of two specific kinds .
22 There was a woman who wanted me to call her mother , and then called me awkward , exasperated and frightened with the dreams and the screams .
23 Charlotte made to reply , but suddenly felt exasperated and wearied by the hoops she had been obliged to jump through .
24 Very gradually , the secure base that the mother provided ‘ out there ’ becomes absorbed and assimilated within the young child so that she is ‘ in here ’ and does not always have to be kept in sight .
25 How was the Beau Ideal absorbed and reinforced by the architectural profession in the design of municipal suburbs ?
26 You 'd be sucked in , absorbed and fused with the steel and the plastic and the concrete — fused into the very fabric of the building itself . ’
27 The house committee met weekly and dealt with a variety of matters .
28 She 's blond , Sloaney , utterly vacuous and gossips on the phone .
29 Tall , slim and dressed with an elegant simplicity .
30 An education which is both liberating and informed by an alternative conception of society is rare , and educational opportunities which are extended beyond representatives to the wider membership is rarer still .
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