Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This poem foreshadows the method of the later , greater poetry of The Waste Land in trying to hold the most primitive and most developed in one by letting the former show through the latter and the development of one out of the other be seen .
2 It stems , therefore , from something primitive and far removed from almost everything else in the Old Testament , with the exception of an even stranger tale in Exodus 4.24–6 .
3 Often gregarious and habitually hunts over water .
4 The graphics are clear and well defined with some excellent backgrounds , while the sound is suitably atmospheric .
5 Apparently warming hugs can be most ungiving and greedily grasping for the self .
6 In years past this contest was unregulated and often resulted in the destruction of large parts of Altdorf and widespread carnage amongst the civilian population .
7 Cells were detached from flasks by first washing three times with Ca 2 + - and Mg 2 + -free phosphate buffered saline and then incubating for three minutes at 37°C with the same phosphate buffered saline to which 0.02% ( w/v ) EDTA had been added .
8 Preparations were incubated with the primary antibody for 60 minutes , rinsed in Tris buffered saline and then incubated with the secondary antibody ( mouse anti-rabbit , diluted in Tris buffered saline/normal human serum ) for 30 minutes .
9 Notable exceptions are arctic oxbow and other remnant lakes formed on river plains , which may be muddy and well endowed with minerals .
10 His bare chest was bronzed and lightly coated with dark hair , darker than that on his head .
11 The Scottish Cup remains the Pittodrie side 's only chance of a trophy this season and no doubt the sponsor , Tennents , will welcome their participation in the penultimate stage of a tournament which was brought to life by the courageous display of Clydebank , who had seemed crushed and then reshaped into tigerish opposition .
12 As the government itself was to admit in its response to the resultant Griffiths Report on Community Care , the ‘ rapid growth of residential and nursing home care ’ had been ‘ unplanned and largely based on the availability of social security benefits ’ .
13 As an architect he is one of the most interesting and least known of the Victorian Gothic Revivalists . ’
14 Though some local followers complain that she spends too much time in West End theatres and not enough in party meetings , Miss Jackson seems well-informed about her part of London , down-to-earth and fully committed to becoming a Labour MP .
15 All the bedrooms ( price A ) are light and comfortably furnished with colour TV , mini-bar , hair dryer , air-conditioning , balcony and sea view .
16 Because of this ritual we wondered if Madame was privy to his secret , if she knew the story , if she sat by him because she knew that O 's great self-possession and his quietness were in fact the signs of a pain which had to be kept hidden , a pain which stayed fresh and so had to be controlled every hour of the night .
17 The fact that the elderly parents acted reasonably and did nothing wrong and yet entered into an agreement , the ramifications of which they did not appreciate , did not affect the creditor so as to afford equitable relief to the parents .
18 one will be with me one will come with me cos they 're always doing things wrong and then shout at them !
19 The small operation at " Hartriggs " ( see " Haggrieg 's Mine at Hawk Rigg " page 91 in the Field Guide ) , was providing a " rich liver coloured ore " ( cuprite ? ) , whilst at Muckle Gill , above the top waterfall in Tilberthwaite Gill , the veins , even then , " as the shafts get deeper , become less rich … getting more coarse and more mineralised with sulphur . "
20 They like nothing more than wallowing in a cool mud bath in the mornings when the sun is not too high and then resting in the shade of an acacia tree during the scorching heat which follows .
21 The juxtaposition of high and low recurs in their next scene .
22 In the late Carboniferous Coal Measures of Lancashire , a fossil tree has been found , 38 feet high and still standing in its living position .
23 Tyrer said : ‘ I played rugby league until I was 17 years old and even played for Wigan Under-11s at Wembley , where I kicked six goals .
24 This one is about three hours old and still lying in the foetal position in which it emerged from the egg .
25 Politically , between-ness ‘ help[s] to abolish the frontiers of misunderstanding with frequent changes of partners loyalties convictions , free and easily stepping over the old boundaries ’ ( 43/437 ) .
26 The surrounding area is damp and so favoured by colourful plants such as the Marsh Marigold , Ragged Robin and Yellow Flag Iris .
27 Given the status patterns discerned one might expect that even if technology were to achieve high status and acceptance the version which would ‘ count as education ’ would be academic and theoretical and therefore stand in contradiction to more practical objectives .
28 The BCS does lots of other good things , like sitting on 31 standards committees , working with 15 European computer societies to harmonise professional qualifications for the single market , accrediting computer science courses to make them less theoretical and more oriented towards projects , maintaining a register of expert witnesses , setting up ad hoc specialist groups very quickly on new areas like expert systems , natural language translation and parallel processing , and helping the disabled .
29 In the diagrams the applied forces are linear and uniformly distributed for simplicity 's sake ; however this need not be the case .
30 Fortunately was interested and immediately delved into his record collection and started to play some old rock 'n' roll LP 's to get us in the mood .
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