Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 The path was narrow — only the width of a boot — but it was clear of the marram that grew everywhere around .
2 The mother 's objection was not found to be unreasonable and no suggestion was made to allow adoption with a condition of access so as not to deprive the ten year old of the security that goes with adoption compared to long-term foster care .
3 In the 1940s wives were still bitterly resentful of the fact that their husbands did not seem to realise that they needed leisure .
4 The Direktor felt , not for the first time , deeply resentful of the fact that they had any part in choosing the programme .
5 It is rather the kind of causal concomitant of the blow that has wholly to do with internal processes of tissue regeneration .
6 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
7 It is when there are two diners present , even when one of them is one 's own employer , that one finds it most difficult to achieve that balance between attentiveness and the illusion of absence that is essential to good waiting ; it is in this situation that one is rarely free of the suspicion that one 's presence is inhibiting the conversation .
8 He was generally dismissive of the idea that the two could merge because , he said , they existed to serve the interests of two very different sets of shareholders .
9 Unfortunately , we repeatedly confronted situations where managers were busily engaged in developing increasingly sophisticated computer-based techniques for analysing , environmental change , oblivious of the fact that their reports were seldom used by anyone within the firm … .
10 Yet so many hobbyists seem oblivious of the fact that different fish come from different types of water , and that they may thus not be compatible with each other or with the local tap water .
11 The next second the light was gone and Martin with it , and Joe stood in the yard oblivious of the fact that he was without a coat and that the cold was seeping through his pullover , for his outer self was no colder than the feeling within him that had been evoked by Martin 's last words concerning his mother .
12 N F U and C LA could surely not have been oblivious of the fact that this shortage was one which farmers and landowners , in their role as councillors , had been responsible for creating .
13 Oblivious of the anger that crackled in the air , she cast a welcoming smile in Jake 's direction .
14 It is impossible to describe any but the most popular of the salami that are found both in delicatessens and supermarkets .
15 Sensible of the fact that maths is not a popular subject among children in general there is often an attempt to show how the ‘ everyday ’ can be viewed mathematically .
16 This is the most fortunate part of the exterior ; matching it in strength , though not in detail , is the E apse , in beautiful close masonry blocks with three dignified round arched windows , but now nearly bereft of the machicolation that once crowned the tall buttresses .
17 The Opposition are very fond of the idea that one can create new ’ safeguards ’ for employees .
18 ‘ You 've got to do something in the close season when there 's no jumping , ’ Elsworth joked , making light of a triumph that clearly thrilled him enormously .
19 Allied spokesmen make light of the fact that so many enemy aircraft remain intact .
20 He clings to power largely because his Sunni-dominated army is afraid of the revenge that would befall it if he fell .
21 The reason these worries pose such a problem in marriage relationships is that if we feel insignificant we assume we are unworthy of love and are afraid of the vulnerability that comes with complete openness and honesty .
22 Constance promised that she would , but she was so afraid of the outcome that she knew she could n't , not until she and Ludovico had been married and she was beyond her mother 's power .
23 I stayed wooden , afraid of the power that let me say those words ; afraid to hold him too hard or too close .
24 Indeed , behind the fears and accusations which surrounded the villainous working-class ‘ scorcher ’ , his emancipated female accomplice , and the unruly cyclist juror we can perhaps sense the vaguely incoherent feeling that the democratic bicycle — which was now only upsetting the respectable pleasures of a quiet Bank Holiday weekend in the countryside — was representative of a force that might be calculated to upset a few other things as well .
25 He was contemptuous of the idea that one person 's vote should count equally with any other 's : " It is said , that twenty-four millions ought to prevail over two hundred thousand .
26 She reached out and touched Dauntless 's arm , apparently unaware of the shudder that convulsed his flesh .
27 The teacher suggested that Mrs Singh could help by reading with him , Mrs Singh to read one line , Jeetinder the next ; she was evidently unaware of the possibility that Jeetinder 's reading could be more competent than his mother 's .
28 But Arnold seems unaware of the strain that Jellett must have borne specifically as a woman artist , and one can not help but wonder if this contributed to her early death .
29 As before , Thomson , who has also put out calls for biographical material on other subjects , including S G Brown , signs himself a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , helping establish credibility with editors unaware of the fact that he started collecting original papers in 1972 .
30 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
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