Example sentences of "[adj] of [verb] any [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He stopped short of announcing any amalgamations of forces , however , despite recent speculation that he intended cutting the 43 forces in England and Wales to 25 .
2 He stopped short of announcing any amalgamations of forces , however , in spite of recent speculation that he intended cutting the 43 forces in England and Wales to 25 .
3 However , a properly conducted appeal ( on the facts and not merely on a point of law ) would be capable of curing any defects in the original hearing .
4 ‘ Even when we were at school together , you used to lord it over the rest of us , and would never admit that you were capable of making any mistakes .
5 He seemed incapable of forming any relationships .
6 They were incapable of experiencing any emotions , their bloodstreams devoid of blood yet flowing with drugs to sustain their pitiful physical states until he received the call , the dreaded call to wheel them into the lift and press the green button .
7 It is remote , hard to reach , in terrain extremely difficult to travel , where beasts of burden would be virtually incapable of conveying any loads .
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