Example sentences of "[adj] as i could [be] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd heard Joe Walsh and Pete Townshend used them quite heavy , and I rather liked the tone they got , so I slowly built it up until I got up as high as I could be comfortable with , and I 've been using that gauge ever since . ’
2 From the start , she made it clear that as long as I could be of use to Jean-Claude she would tolerate me , but that my relationship with her son was in her gift and subject to her approval , and this might not always be forthcoming .
3 Cripes , I thought , and although as certain as I could be that the lad was not mine , who can be totally positive about any putative event of twenty years earlier ?
4 ‘ I was about as low as I could be .
5 I was as quiet as I could be , but all the same , I ca n't help wondering if at some stage he realised I was on his heels .
6 I was having a counsellor and a healer , sticking to my diet , doing my visualization and being as positive as I could be , but nothing was happening officially .
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