Example sentences of "[adj] as [pron] [be] with " in BNC.

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1 His lips pressed against her hair , ran across the brow , all damp as it was with perspiration .
2 The socio-economic conditions are not readily amenable to change , interrelated as they are with culture , mores and national capacity for development .
3 Unfamiliar as she was with the niceties of English social life , she wondered why she should be surprised .
4 I am sure the Government will appreciate the indignation that they will feel overburdened as they are with work , that they will now have to use their scarce resources to deal with criminal conduct arising on the railways and lastly , who is going to pay for this work ?
5 Hope those who were watching the game on BBC1 were as disgusted as I was with Englands performance .
6 Matching drives to an XT is n't as easy as it is with an AT , because the range of drive sizes it supports will probably be quite narrow .
7 ‘ You are as skilful as you were with my wife , Wilson , ’ he remarked .
8 Contented as she was with the house , Virginia was always to cast a glance over her shoulder at her sister , living just five miles away at Charleston .
9 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
10 Even the wars and internal reforms of Peter I , bitterly unpopular as they were with great masses of his people , could not eradicate the feeling that the Tsar was , in some ultimate sense , the father and protector of the ordinary Russian .
11 Erm , I , it 's not the shooting is , most certainly , as long as it 's with a a qualified marksman
12 As long as I am with you , I can be sure that you will not be led astray by the demon drink . ’
13 You know I 'd be happy on a bicycle as long as I was with you . ’
14 ‘ As long as I 'm with you , I can face anything , ’ she said simply .
15 ‘ As long as you 're with me , you 'll be safe . ’
16 She had given herself totally up to him , and did not care what happened to her as long as she was with him .
17 So far I have only described what might be termed the ‘ normal ’ , or perhaps ‘ regular ’ , inspectors , concerned as they are with the operational and engineering aspects of the job .
18 ‘ But surely he must have been almost as concerned as you were with Mr Riddle 's activities , particularly about the fields at the camping site . ’
19 In the opinion of the deputy judge the operation of that Part , concerned as it was with giving the authorities powers to secure compliance with or detection of evasion of the Act , came to an end when they had secured sufficient evidence to justify a charge .
20 Macmillan is the closest to King 's heart , concerned as she is with dirty domestic dramas dealing with the increasingly fraught relations between black women and men .
21 We have come through that transition , tough as it was with that unbeatable combination of enthusiasm , commitment , ability and unwavering desire for success .
22 Busy as he was with college duties and with exceptional writing obligations , many of them with journalistic deadlines , he was always accessible to undergraduates and to old members , particularly his ex-pupils .
23 Laden as she was with her day 's purchases , Jude chose to walk back to Marlin 's apartment at Park Avenue and 80th .
24 They did n't want to be press barons , says Miles , they wanted a community paper , and it had n't even been easy to find an editor amongst the founding group , preoccupied as they were with art galleries and bookshops , theatre companies and poetry , and preoccupied also with that sense of freedom , and the breaking down of national barriers which had accompanied the explosion of travel in the 1960s .
25 Obsessed as they were with hygiene and cleanliness , the Corporals had been worried ever since we had arrived at Orange that some of us were not adept at emptying our bowels neatly .
26 Obsessed as she was with her unknown rival , Charlotte never quite dared to seek her out .
27 You are as familiar as I am with the processes of monetisation of debt and of the part which the money market in the City plays in the operation of that mechanism .
28 Loaded as it was with connotations of the body and pleasure — analogous to homosexuals in the United Kingdom , cast as out-groups , as bogeymen by the dominant culture , but attempting to fashion their own , necessarily coded , meanings rock 'n' roll was at first tolerated , because of its economic attractiveness , and then actively suppressed .
29 Those familiar with hand-jamming will find this quite accommodating , well-furnished as it is with excellent placements .
30 Gone are the scents , colours and sounds of the meadows of the past , alive as they were with bees , butterflies , grasshoppers , frogs and voles ; gone are the wildflowers and rippling purple headed grasses .
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