Example sentences of "[adj] but i [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Cos I used this look , I said that erm I 'd re I had represented his father in an accident case some years before and I was acquainted with the family in a casual way , and I said this may suggest , because he was saying you can make up and you can , this is a bit when you can use your imagination , and I said this may suggest that his father , you know he 'd like , because it the way he says that , I 'd represented his father , I was acquainted , you know maybe that he knows he 's used to that kind of erm behaviour from the family , you know , and he knows what Eddie 's like his fa I do n't know I might be completely wrong but I used my imagination there .
2 I was at once interested but I did my best to suppress the instant flicker in my eyes .
3 He looked offended but I guessed his idea of discretion was swapping his length of lead pipe for a rubber truncheon .
4 She continued : ‘ I am 70 years old but I felt I must make this sacrifice for them , even though the constraints on me in the future are very great . ’
5 I got out of the car and ran to my front door , my mum answered the door , she looked quite different but I gave her a massive cuddle and went indoors .
6 Oh aye , it is painful but I thought it 's not going away so I 'd better go and see about it .
7 ‘ Morrissey had a wonderful twist of phrase ’ , says Muir today , ‘ His writing was really witty — really very clever but I found his personality fascinating which is why I decided to publish . ’
8 At the East 15 Drama School I have taken audition technique sessions , which was all fine and large but I encouraged them to write their own material as well as having stock pieces to do .
9 I had moved the rubber-handled wrench from the right side of the driver 's seat to the left but I knew its presence was mostly psychological .
10 I was very cold but I prevented them driving away .
11 Carrying a tray of glasses would have been easier if the floor had been stable but I made it to the far end with only a lurch or two and delivered the goods as required .
12 ‘ I know it sounds awful but I felt she would criticise what I did and how I looked or try to organise me .
13 ‘ Oh , sir , I am sorry but I saw it lying there and the temptation was too much for me . ’
14 I know it looks rather exaggerated but I wanted them back without a lot of questions . ’
15 ‘ I knew I was n't going great but I thought I 'd score 8,200-8,300 .
16 I was gon na say unholy but I took it out , I thought it was a bit strong .
17 The lumps are heavy but I drove myself till my arms cried out and the sweat runs down my back .
18 Yeah , and I said erm , and I said that were n't , if that was n't enough I said bearing in mind he 'd just come out of intensive care off a life support machine , I said and which I think that , that tells us that he needs a bit of extra care compared to some of them on the ward , I said I know they 're all important and I know you 're busy but I said I think you should 've had a bit of priority , he was dying , and you know he 's dying , you 'd been told , she said yes that 's right , I said but what really broke my bloody heart was from one o'clock that dinner time he sat in that chair , we left that hospital at half past eight and you assured us he 'd go to bed and when we came in the next morning at half past ten Joy he sat there exactly the bloody same , in the same filthy blanket and the same catheter on him , oh I went fucking mad and I said how dare you , I said because somebody 's told they 're dying does that mean they 've got to be forgot ?
19 I did n't even know if they had been responsible but I had nothing more to offer .
20 Yes , Grandad was something of a harum-scarum but I loved him nevertheless .
21 Webley was visibly shocked but I assured him he could still continue to wash the team strip every week .
22 ‘ It looked stormy but I risked it , ’ he wrote of a 1931 Boxing Day expedition with his younger son , and we drove through Cleobury Mortimer on to the Clees .
23 I do n't know if it was totally successful but I enjoyed it .
24 I was tipsy But I heard my twotiming lips say You 're my true
25 ‘ Some people think I am crazy but I thought I had better do it now while I have the chance . ’
26 I was brought up a Catholic but I discarded it quite early on .
27 ‘ It is frustrating but I tried my best and it 's no point getting angry . ’
28 The peer was silent but I knew he was following my progress intently because every now and then I had to brush aches from the surface of the uterus .
29 It was expensive , high tech , brutal and , I do n't doubt , ecologically unsound but I loved it all .
30 ‘ He went very quiet but I knew he was upset .
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