Example sentences of "[adj] but [pron] was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ( The places we saw & visited were mind-boggling but it was really a family visit to see & , their daughters , sons-in-law & grand-children … all boys ) .
2 Perhaps there was something wrong but it was not that serious .
3 I mean , alright the heating did n't go wrong but it was n't that , the coach itself was you know , really rattled !
4 There was something wrong but he was too tired to reach any conclusion so he went back to his chamber where Ranulf , a fresh cup of wine in his hand , was waiting for him .
5 The grant-aid earned under the new Regulations was adequate but it was not generous and although class programmes were extended to new centres and programmes expanded in existing branches , the costs of provision also increased and the District required overdraft facilities until 1950 when a small surplus was secured .
6 He has great timing and is naturally very funny but he was always a gentleman and very professional as well . ’
7 Feelings ran high but it was n't like the drama of last year when the government were forced into a humiliating review of their pit closure programme .
8 ‘ I am not an alcoholic but I was very drunk , ’ he said .
9 Erm he , I think what he really must have had was er a sort of mild form of polio when he was young and he 'd got a shoulder , not completely paralysed but it was partially paralysed .
10 I looked to see if he was trying to be unpleasant but he was obviously making an effort to be polite .
11 Only John of Ferentino , who acted for Innocent as a notary when subdeacon , was made a cardinal but he was not given the title of chancellor .
12 Carole she 's normally very interesting but she was very hard to hear .
13 Speich was serious — being German but he was also serious because he could see what was coming over the horizon looked like a storm .
14 Said Kylie : ‘ I was n't really clever but I was n't stupid .
15 He knew he was clever but there was just a slim chance Mr Crangle had found a way to get him , and he did n't want him caught , not for anything in the world .
16 Cuvier 's counterpart in Britain was a much more prosaic son of the Industrial Revolution — William Smith — whose conclusions were basically very similar but who was far too much a practical man to want to theorise about it .
17 Of course the debate in government and Parliament was crucial but it was not the only way in which the educational reform was tested at the time nor the only way to assess it later .
18 I came back t vice but I was very depressed just looking at the outside of the house .
19 Wallace was threatening and on that day he was aggressive and I thought played pretty well overall but he was often fouled by the Blackburn defence .
20 no , this guy called Bob , Sar Sarah and me and my usually self wanted to get back , make it serious but he was n't interested
21 Charity looked serious but she was obviously a master at the game and he must not show he 'd been jolted .
22 The offence was grievous and innocent , I drove the wrong way round a roundabout , which sounds appalling but there was not a single other car in sight to , in a sense to steer by so to speak , erm but there was one policeman , and he stopped me , and he fined me , and I had to search for my purse , which I had well hidden , this being Italy , erm underneath all the bedding and the tents and the cooking pots , found it in due course , presented him very shakily with these thousand lire or whatever it was he wanted , and , and this is really the point , drove off very shakily too .
23 Yesterday 's ceremony was splendid but I was almost overcome before entering the room where we signed .
24 I i it was n't easy but it was very fair .
25 The Bowery looked ominous but I was n't afraid .
26 That may not be real but it was certainly my perception and it is the perception that counts .
27 I did n't really believe their guns could be real but I was n't going to find out .
28 Cagney 's class credentials were as impeccable as those of Bickford and Beery but he was never really to be a worker ; he was a city man and it was the pace , wit , style , and electricity of the city that Cagney now seized on as his hallmark .
29 Such an education was republican and democratic but it was not egalitarian : it aimed to encourage , in Fumaroli 's words , ‘ the only nobility compatible with political democracy ’ nobility of spirit .
30 Jack was confused but I was not .
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