Example sentences of "[adj] but [not/n't] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 He had noticed Ianthe coming out of her house and now saw her as a woman of about his own age , nicely dressed , worthy no doubt , quite pretty but not particularly interesting .
32 Both powers in practice are as useful as a parachute in a space ship — reassuring but not very practical .
33 It was cold but not too cold , and dammit , I had caught four fish with hardly any effort ; fish that had taken a big crust with a savage bite that suggested they were very hungry .
34 These cases represent an understandable but not always comforting compromise within the framework of the EC Treaty .
35 ‘ Israel 's lack of preparedness for mass Soviet Jewish immigration is psychologically understandable but not politically forgivable , ’ says Yuri Stern , a Muscovite who came in 1981 .
36 Prevention of problems is preferable but not always possible , so early recognition and treatment is crucial .
37 Generalisations may be helpful to a certain extent but we have to take into account complex variants which are law-related but not necessarily legal : Richard Vogler ( in Chapter 7 of this volume ) for example , leads us to ask whether the use of law will lead to a bureaucratisation and disintegration of the peace movement as in the 1960s ?
38 The thousand-headed and dwarf thousand-headed varieties are the hardiest ; the marrow-stemmed are more palatable but not so frost-resistant .
39 She is always turning from what has been offered her to say with a demure little sigh and smile , ‘ Oh , please , please … all I want is a cup of tea , weak but not too weak , and the teeniest weeniest bit of really crisp toast . ’
40 He reported that the beer was very weak but not too bad , and that the wine was of low quality and likely to produce acidity .
41 Noell died a rich but not fabulously wealthy man , having already settled much of his property and set up a substantial charity in his native town .
42 They must , of course , take calculated risks from time to time to achieve objectives which they perceive to be right but not universally popular .
43 Certainly the young middle-class , or rising middle-class person can be guaranteed to meet others of the same age who are respectable but not too serious .
44 It is usually postulated that some association between infant or childish sexual satisfaction and the fetish object — a strong but not necessarily direct association — is responsible for its significance to the individual .
45 Peter Brooke , who left the firm to enter politics in 1979 and became Chairman of the Conservative party , set up the firm 's British base in prestigious but not overtly showy offices in park Lane .
46 Also many frail but not necessarily disabled elderly people feel the need to steady themselves by touching various pieces of furniture with one hand as they move around their homes , and for them , carrying a telephone and manoeuvring the flex from one room to another may have its hazards .
47 The best time for this ‘ homework ’ to be done is in what I call the twilight time at night — that period when he is in bed and drowsy but not yet asleep .
48 The catalysed conversion of methanol to ethanol by reaction with syn-gas , is also possible but not yet commercial .
49 Present , if not correct , were a tired but not too emotional Tony , sorry ANTHONY H WILSON and various members of the INSPIRAL CARPETS whom let's face it , would go to a party held in an empty crisp packet .
50 On retirement or death in office ( botanists tend to be long-lived but not quite immortal ) , their book collections were frequently sold off to defray debts or to provide a settlement for their widows .
51 Otherwise the Legacy is a decent but not notably quiet cruiser ; significant engine , wind and tyre noise are all there .
52 A useful but not completely reliable indicator of potency .
53 Of course the visual indicators are useful but not so personal or so reassuring ( or so charming ) , and you can not talk to them about delays and ‘ Are there free sandwiches and coffee ? ’
54 a confident nature , not too reserved but not too arrogant ;
55 To sum it all up , it 's good but not that good .
56 Scum are good but not that good when you wade through the amazing pile of hype .
57 pretty good but not that good .
58 Light : Good but not very strong light from above .
59 1984 had been good but not as good as that .
60 For he is clean and tidy but not too concerned with his appearance .
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