Example sentences of "[adj] by [adj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 TODAY THE right-on music press and the quality newspapers are embarrassed by many of the successful new sub-genres of pop .
2 The rendering of the ‘ facticity ’ of the social by that of the aesthetic is a crucial , first realist and then naturalist , moment of this modernization process , after which aesthetic modernism moves into full self-referentiality .
3 All the photographs were contributed free by some of the world 's best mountain photographers , keen to support the aim of the book — raising cash to build the Thyangboche Monastery which was burnt down on January 19 , 1989 .
4 UDF posters showing mass graves recently unearthed [ see p. 37381 ] were seen as distasteful by much of the population .
5 Remember , they only missed out on meeting Copenhagen in the first round proper by 0.3 of a point .
6 Eligible bank bills are accepted payable by one of the banks on the Bank of England list whose paper is rediscountable at the Bank of England ( that is , such bills can be bought by the Bank in its money market operations ) .
7 Others were of the opinion that during her stint in the Wogan slot she seemed bored by some of the interviewees and asked trite questions .
8 Tall , blond and muscular , he was without doubt one peach of a downhill racer , but he was also unsophisticated — he was a baker during off-piste season — and clearly bewildered by much of the attention he was getting après ski .
9 I was a bit disconcerted by some of the arty-crafty talk I Overheard .
10 What was frightening was that this new mass entertainment seemed altogether outside the established auspices of middle-class culture and seemed unconstrained by any of the sanctions of proper society .
11 Whereas it once had a reputation as being one of the toughest and most feared women 's prisons in Britain , it is now regarded as having gone soft by some of the prison officers .
12 I have also heard a story , however , about her being distinctly unamused by some of the things written about her in the newspapers .
13 The 33-year-old doctor was knocked unconscious by one of the youths as he passed an empty house in Coulby Manor Farm , Coulby Newham .
14 In fact , during my first days under Mr Farraday , I was once or twice quite astounded by some of the things he would say to me .
15 They were remote from the centre of political power in London and were even regarded as peripheral by many of the leaders of the labour movement .
16 And let me say now that I have been impressed by certain of the arguments I have heard here .
17 If you were particularly impressed by any of the candidates you may like to say that you have retained details on file in case anything suitable should turn up in the future .
18 Gregory was not greatly impressed by most of the sons and grandsons of Clovis , but there were exceptions .
19 She was far too conscious of the man whose own appetite seemed unimpaired by any of the emotions that were troubling her more and more .
20 We never question that feeling , we just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that afflict our civilization today .
21 At a local dog show one of the judges was puzzled by one of the entrants .
22 It was a form of association which had not been unremarked by several of the socially better placed .
23 Sir , — I was stunned by some of the implications in Tom Lee 's article in the December 1992 issue of ACCOUNTANCY ( p 102 ) .
24 ‘ Mind you , I 've been shocked by some of the secrets I 've uncovered in ordinary bedrooms .
25 It should be noted that this concept of study skills was still not as broad as the full-blown information skills approach nominated in the proposal document , and was seen as achievable by one of a number of means which the committee considered .
26 His suggestion that United Motors should progressively wind up its European , South American and Asian regional headquarters and plan , direct and control world operations from its home base in Detroit , had been well-received by most of the top brass who liked the big bold approach of running the world the way it used to be … from Detroit .
27 Many people have been outraged by some of the things that have been said and done by the rugby players . ’
28 Information of a financial type is kept up-to-date by five of the six departments on a continuous basis .
29 In the course of such disagreeable duties , Charles mounted the steps of an imposing mansion in Chester Square , close by another of the company billets .
30 So , before your idea is rejected , find out how much it is likely to cost , if necessary by one of the high street printing chains .
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