Example sentences of "[adj] at [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Not even when Pam Wright went 4-up on me after four holes in the final of the Scottish at Troon did I feel in any danger . "
2 If the power-assisted rack-and-pinion steering seems excessively light at low speeds its directness , with a mere 2.5-turns lock to lock , makes you wonder whatever happened to the so-called ‘ sneeze factor ’ ( ie forgiving low gearing ) that was once considered essential in American cars .
3 I do hope that each and everyone has been hard at work encouraging your class members to renew their membership and getting new class members to join the Society .
4 The constabulary was hard at work driving them out again and giving out cautions that whoever took in any of the evicted would himself be turned out .
5 We are constantly hard at work protecting our environment .
6 Mr Shamir has been hard at work consolidating his right-wing support and trying to win over independent conservatives ; he has reiterated his determination to keep the P L O out of any peace talks and has steadfastly refused to consider any deal which would involve giving up territory for peace .
7 She 's like a daughter , the daughter I never had , and I lie awake at nights thinking what 's going to happen to her when I 'm gone , because men being what they are , they 'll take her on because of the money .
8 I , I , that , that is the answer 's in the negative , we 're not setting up those posts or funding them today , but they 've enabled us , they 've prompted us to carry out a revue , I think , I was n't present at budget review it .
9 ‘ We 've learnt from our past mistakes in approaching Thurrock and Nottingham and we 'll use the experience we gain from Southwell to the full at Telford to build something on a far grander scale , ’ Muddle says confidently .
10 The release of the American brothers , aged 12 and 11 , brought the number of children freed to 20 as the stand-off at Waco entered its fifth day .
11 Said Professor Hoskins of the University of Reading : " We know that human activities are doing something to the system but computer models are too crude at present to predict what will happen . "
12 Not exactly the opposite end of the scale , but rather a complementary event designed to include a wider range of objects with an emphasis on attractive decorative objects at reasonable prices , the Fine Art and Antiques Fair at Olympia celebrates its twentieth year of existence with the largest event to date from 3 to 13 June .
13 I was slightly annoyed at Jamie saying anything , even jokingly , about me going to the toilet ; he knows how sensitive I am about it .
14 Wherever you go , there will always be a mountain gasthaus somewhere close at hand to keep you fed and watered .
15 Children are excellent at repetition to get what they want .
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