Example sentences of "[adj] [indef pn] [conj] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 We have to say the English one and I hate saying da-da-da so I make my own one , an Indian prayer and say it .
2 No doubt the return would have been a high one and I have to take account of that . ’
3 I think that 's a large one that I 've got .
4 I have at this point tried to bring in some preliminary notions of stress and prominence without giving a full explanation ; by this stage in the course it is important to be getting familiar with the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables , and the nature of ‘ schwa ’ , but the subject of stress is such a large one that I have felt it best to leave its main treatment until later .
5 I should imagine it 's the shiny one but I do n't .
6 The problem is very much a private one and I hope Graham will now be left alone to get on with leading the team on this tour . ’
7 Well , we 've got more police officers now than we 've ever had before , we 're not gon na get any more because , I mean , Essex Police Force , is quite a a rich one but I think , sort of , on recruitment , they 've alre , probably due to get about fifty extra officers but that 's .
8 Maybe he just did n't think when they showed him it , that it was n't the right one cos I suppose if you 've seen them every day you do n't , it does n't register it 's just the fact that of course your dad only gave him the price of the blue and white
9 You might be able to do the odd one but I do n't think that you 've got the time , I mean bear in mind you 've gone from four to three to two there 's two of you now supervising all of us if you tell me you 've got spare time then great , and you want to do one or two equally great , however unless you tell me to the contrary
10 No , no not a blocked one but I mean let's face it
11 The relationship when manufacturing and retailing are in the same company never seems to be a healthy one and I think there are many examples of that .
12 Yeah yeah that 's a good one that I do n't think that one came up either last time .
13 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
14 I 've got an old Coricidin bottle I keep for the Firebird , and I 've got a beautiful one that I keep specially for ballads ; it 's a really nice hand-blown glass slide , very dense and very smooth , and it 's great for recording subtle kinds of parts on acoustic guitar . ’
15 The duet version makes the work seem less stable than the orchestral one and I prefer the real duets .
16 but I mean ours does n't , mine does n't , I mean mine 's only a small one because I have n't done many years there .
17 said and done , mm , after all 's said and done course I well I said there 's good , bad , and indifferent everything cos I know some Masons who are blinking great rogues , you know !
18 But the energy was still there , we know full well , that there 's other MPs there , I think it 's thirty seven we 've got and we , the only one that I know well is Gerald Kaufman .
19 ‘ I regard your book as practically the only one that I have ever come across , since Dante , that shows the slightest understanding of what this very peculiar identity of love and religion means , ’ Williams wrote , signing himself ‘ Very gratefully yours ’ .
20 ‘ This is going to be a difficult one for I reckon Lithuania are the best in the Baltic nations , ’ he said .
21 Well I 'd be happy to give you the name of the particular one but I do n't know whether it applies to the young .
22 That was a fairly big one and I think there may have been one at Stromness too .
23 Yeah , but I would n't wear it now I 've put it away now but er I 've got erm I 've got a yellow one that I 've had ooh
24 The other one , the other one that I find interesting is I hope Mr will take his comments back to John , because John 's quite happy , I applaud him for once , it 's about the only thing I do applaud John for , erm , but John 's quite happy to turn round to Norway and say forget your centuries old traditions of killing whales .
25 There were that one and this other one but I like this other one because it 's like that .
26 I 'll try the other one cos I 've got that in bits .
27 No you ai n't got the new one cos I 've got it .
28 ‘ Wickedly wasteful , I know , but I smashed it , and set up a new one and I have painted upon that new one the first thing that has given me real pleasure for years , oh , years and years .
29 The voyage will certainly be a very expensive one but I doubt not my work will have a great sale in consequence and if so amply repay me for my exertions .
30 A good result and a very necessary one because I think that helps you to pull away slightly at the top of the table ; before this match , Egham were in third place .
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