Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] had to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Councillor Norman Murray said that the signal to unsocial tenants should be quite clear and had to be backed up with swift and firm action .
2 Unfortunately the rapport I had built up with the director was wasted , as the commercial he was working on went wrong and had to be done again , so I met my new director over a pie and a pint in my local before shooting started .
3 I was six years old and had to be accompanied to the cinema by my two brothers [ five and seven ] .
4 Held , dismissing the appeal , that once the father had acquiesced in the removal of the children within the meaning of article 13 ( a ) , the court in the exercise of its discretion under that article was entitled to take into account the interests of the children even though there was no grave risk to them if they were returned to their place of residence within the meaning of article 13 ( b ) ; but that , under article 13 ( a ) , the children 's interests were not paramount and had to be balanced against the purpose of the Convention , which was the return of children wrongfully removed within the meaning of article 3 ; and that , accordingly , the judge had rightly considered the children 's interests when exercising her discretion under article 13 ( post , pp. 546G — 547E , F–G , 548G — 549A ) .
5 However there were snags : the glass panels in the roof leaked , the chrome work rusted and had to be removed , the twenty-feet trolley arms were prone to dewiring , until shortened .
6 In fact it was still alive and had to be destroyed .
7 Max and I were delighted with the result , but when I got back to the hotel I was taken violently ill and had to be put to bed .
8 They had got in through a cellar window at the back and made their way up to a small office on the third landing where , according to Cyril , the sole employee had been there man and boy until he became fossilized and had to be removed feet first from his station .
9 Chris Smalley had earlier come upon ML 2 alongside in the Entrance and scrambled aboard with his squad , but in trying to get her forward guns firing he was killed before she was afire and had to be abandoned about 0245 hours .
10 In long and complex cases delay was inevitable and had to be accepted , so why then , she asked , should that not be so in a simple case .
11 These additions were first added to working copies of the Decretum in the 1150s and 1160s , but by the 1170s they had become far too numerous and had to be placed in separate books .
12 The accumulator was very heavy and had to be charged about once a month .
13 Soon , however , she did not have enough time to do this although someone had to relieve the poor beast , and the fresh creamy milk often sat in a gleaming churn in the corner of the kitchen untouched until it went rancid and had to be thrown away .
14 A section of the Iceni revolted and had to be suppressed by a dismounted cavalry regiment .
15 ’ Several of the younger soldiers hooted with laughter , and Cathbad looked hurt and had to be brought out of the sorrel and soothed .
16 Mr Wakerley suggested Miss Dart might have tried to escape , or she may have screamed , or she possibly saw Sams undisguised and had to be killed .
17 ‘ Yes , ’ said Bernard , dragging in the recesses of a memory which , like his stomach , was capacious but had to be treated carefully .
18 His bafflement was unbearable but had to be borne .
19 Disconcerted by Clement 's bull , Winchelsey at first sought advice from his fellow bishops : Simon of Ghent , bishop of Salisbury , equivocated ; Henry Woodlock of Winchester , after consulting his advisers , concluded that the bull was genuine and had to be obeyed .
20 As with socialism , its inherent limitations were as important in this respect as its positive aspects : Luis Recabarren founded his Socialist Workers ' party partly out of a conviction that anarchist prohibitions on party and parliamentary activity were short-sighted and had to be rejected .
21 Their god was mortal and had to be protected from germs .
22 Susan got it , but Bellamy was appalled and had to be mollified .
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