Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] he [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 But I did n't er I think his teaching days , he was getting rather old and he did n't control us as he should have been able to .
2 He told the court he did n't believe the accused 's story , Kim was shy and self-conscious and he did n't believe she would have brought Shukir back to the flat .
3 Leary said : ‘ My French is only adequate and he does n't speak English but we managed a conversation about the things that matter to us .
4 Talking to reporters in Magherafelt , the scene of the latest bombing last night , Sir Patrick said he was satisfied the present security policy was adequate and he did not anticipate many changes .
5 Stok 's face had gone rigid and he did n't look like himself , just as those mathematically accurate waxworks never look like the people they portray .
6 Trainer Frank Berry reckons he is now in the clear but he has n't the form to recommend him .
7 He said : ‘ This is all beautifully rosy but he has not mentioned his plans to tax companies by half a per cent on the payroll for a training tax or plans to enforce a minimum wage on small and medium sized companies which will be particularly badly hit . ’
8 It was warm and he did n't feel lonely when she was there .
9 He had put them in a place where the risk would be minimal and he had not pumped the gun the maximum number of times .
10 It is not I but Hywel who is deaf and he has not seen what I have seen .
11 ‘ He gets pissed and he does n't — ’ She started to cry , weakly .
12 ‘ She looks as if she 's asleep and he does n't seem to be having much fun either . ’
13 The plaintiff got into financial difficulties because the price was too low and he did not supervise the work properly .
14 We took him to a Chinese restaurant where they serve those drinks in coconuts — they 're quite strong and he does n't really drink , but we made him have one anyway , and he quite enjoyed it .
15 They stood talking a long time at the crossroads before separating but he did n't offer to see her over the weekend .
16 Oh aye he gets sick but he do n't get
17 When the Guggenheim made a retrospective in 1973 , Tom Messer , the then Director , said the Tate show was fine but he did n't want the prints .
18 We were told he might have got aggressive or moody but he had n't been any different from usual .
19 Yes there is something outside his window , however near or far and it is alive but he does n't have to be seeing it and on the other hand something is alive in the room because actually if you look at the context of that , something else is alive beside the clock 's loneliness and the blank page where my fingers move .
20 Unfortunately your two attacks have left Samson very tired and he has n't enough energy to move .
21 Unfortunately this anaesthetist was n't very good and he did n't give her enough .
22 His fees were petty and he did n't bleed his patients with leeches or use strange zodiac charts and stupid incantations .
23 and he did n't stay long and he did n't , he , he did look terrible , he did really
24 he said er he normally gets homesick but he has n't , you know ?
25 He was flushed and happy and he had n't let go of her hand since they 'd sat down .
26 ‘ But holidays , particularly in the summer , are marvellous because in the water he is entirely independent and he does n't need anybody .
27 He 's got his teeth into this , he 's angry and he does n't seem to have a lot to live for really .
28 The smell of fresh bread from a bakery made him hungry but he did not stop .
29 The back of his neck went pink but he did n't come back .
30 He was having heart problems , it was exceedingly hot and he did not want to rehearse .
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