Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] that he be " in BNC.

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1 On September 9 , 1969 , by which time Clinton knew his draft number was high and that he was therefore unlikely to be called up , he wrote to his friend Richard Stearns : ‘ Nothing could be more destructive of whatever fibre I have left than this mental torment .
2 I knew that there was a problem and made a note of it erm that it was hereditary and that he was seeing a consultant , but there 's other parts of the C C Q that would actually relate to that and go into it in a lot more detail
3 All that may be stated with any certainty is that his knowledge of the craft must have been more than merely adequate and that he was a good businessman .
4 This leaves the manufacturer with the problem of proving that his employees were not negligent and that he was using a safe system .
5 The charge which the historian must bring against him is not that he was vicious but that he was timid , selfish and worst of all lazy .
6 He was sure that the bishop was right and that he was hard to follow .
7 Within a few years that same young man had determined that things could be put right and that he was the man to do it .
8 As Pip has realised that Magwitch is Estella 's father and he comforts him by telling him that his daughter is still alive and that he is in love with her .
9 Will my right hon. Friend tell me how best to reply to a constituent of mine who has recently completed a course of treatment at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and who tells me that the nurses and doctors were fantastic , that the treatment was magnificent and that he is fed up to the back teeth with the constant efforts of the Labour party to undermine and talk down the achievements of the health service ?
10 I am pleased to report that Ken 's attack was not major and that he is well on the way to recovery .
11 It is now dear that Waite 's involvement was peripheral and that he was used by North as a cover to conceal the true reason for Jacobsen 's release .
12 He accepted that emperorship was responsible and that he was answerable to a higher power .
13 Zarathustra believed that man was involved in this cosmic struggle of good and evil and that he was compelled to choose one side or the other through his own conduct .
14 At the last hearing at Oxford County Court Judge Charles Harris said their payment record was intolerable and that he was not mindful to postpone the eviction again .
15 The Feldwebel had not moved and I looked all the way up his black leather jack-boots and the thin grey greatcoat with its cheap tin buttons looking as if they had come out of a Christmas pudding before I noticed that his eyes were slightly open and that he was watching me with an uncle 's amusement .
16 He was just a silhouette against the intense blaze , but she was certain that his mouth was open and that he was singing .
17 These points are similar to points 2 and 3 ante but vary slightly in the content of the call , e.g. for point 4 examples would include falsely telling a woman her husband was dead or that he is having an affair .
18 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
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