Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So I do n't think anyone here as an elected member , needs to defend their positions if they wish to move from a political or a bureaucratic policy to something which is more pluralist and much more representative of the kind of policies that this council should be discussing not only now but also in the future .
2 If no play was possible or a prescribed period was lost this premium payment would entitle the holder to get his money back .
3 We need to know whether it is a 10-strong or a seven-strong management committee , with a majority of management representatives .
4 The 10th , 14th and 27th are departure points , whether this means leaving the past behind in a literal or a figurative way .
5 In judging this record there has been a strong tendency among commentators , from either an economic or a political viewpoint , to award the Labour government good marks for achievement [ Morgan , 1984 ; Cairncross , 1985 ] .
6 It is proposed to take the seven functions of budgets on pages 49/50 as the first dimension of a matrix structure to which either the rational economic or a political model can be applied in order to form the second dimension .
7 With stable macro policies of either a monetary or a fiscal kind , rational expectations on behalf of economic agents mean that such agents fully appreciate the signals that trigger government policy and the prescriptions that follow , internalizing this into their behaviour .
8 There have been some impressive cases of increases in productivity , notably British Airways , British Leyland , and British Steel , which have shed workers , but it remains to be seen whether the improvement will be durable or a once-only case of firms shaking out the least efficient workers .
9 one or two members who are resident in St Albans did ask me about their position on item two St Albans Transport Study er the advice that I gave them was that unless they er did which is likely to be affected by any identifiable schemes in the study they do not have a need to declare either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest .
10 Following Sambrook 's logic , though he does not use these terms , this image may interpreted either in a descriptive or a normative sense .
11 The Common Professional Examination is taken after a one year full-time or a two year part-time course covering the six core subjects .
12 Awards may be held on either a full-time or a part-time basis .
13 This might , for example , reveal that a child who appeared to be inattentive or a slow learner was in fact showing symptoms of specific learning difficulties ( e.g. dyslexia ) or a hearing impairment — possibly an intermittent one such as is associated with otitis media .
14 Analysts believe it will pave the way for further cuts if the Conservatives retain power but fear a victory for Labour or a hung parliament could lead to higher interest rates .
15 Sisters were categorised by Orton ( 1980 ) as having either a high or a low student orientation .
16 Despite its title , the Public Order Act creates some offences which apply whether the conduct takes place in a public or a private place .
17 Section 4(2) of the Public Order Act 1986 extends the old Section 5 breach of the peace offence by providing : An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed , by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling .
18 ‘ The location of the offence can be described in evidence by any witness of the incident to show that it occurred in a public or a private place .
19 ‘ ( 2 ) An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed , by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling . ’
20 A later generation was to see Cistercians sent out as missionaries , especially among the heretics of the Languedoc ; and the wandering preacher — a very familiar figure in the twelfth century — became in the thirteenth a Franciscan or a Dominican friar .
21 The first step is to inquire after symptoms that suggest organic disease such as anaemia , bleeding , fever , weight-loss or a recent change in bowel habit .
22 These societies would have the duty of distributing the dividends from the shares on either a universal or a restricted basis .
23 He is , variously , a militant secularist or a pious Muslim ; a socialist or a free-marketeer ; a proud Iraqi or a proud pan-Arabist ; the scourge of the West or the pragmatist on whom the West can safely rely .
24 Pupils were significantly less likely to have participated in the follow up studies if at baseline they had reported being smokers or having previously smoked or tried cigarettes , if their father or mother was a smoker , or if their father was unemployed or a manual worker .
25 It 's quite a strange thing to paint on because it 's a very absorbent surface and what happens if you wa , those of you who want subtle colours , well that 's fine cos you get very subtle colours if you want deep colours like black dark brown or a bright colour like bright red berries on the holly then we have to put varnish on alright ?
26 The assessment did not contribute to the student 's final classification , and whether and how it might do so was neither clear nor a welcome issue in the colleges .
27 ‘ This is not some countries , ’ retorted my mother , perhaps wondering again whether the money she had spent so that I might learn French and a little grace had been utterly wasted , for I had learned only superstition and discontent .
28 The sky was clear and a full moon shone , lighting the landscape .
29 So it 's absolutely essential that we do go forward formally and take up all the issues in relation to the minimum achieved performance levels and the scheme arising from the consolidation of the effects of last year 's pay settlement , but as er most of the delegates from British Gas will know , I 've been er ensuring that we first of all get all of the reports in from the regional joint indu regional joint trade union secretaries to ensure that we have as much information for once as British Gas has , about what 's going on within the company , and secondly we 've had er full debates on the trade union side to ensure we were well aware of just exactly what our recollections were of what happened last year and to ensure we 're going forward in a clear and a positive way .
30 She sighed ecstatically as they reached the cliff-top and a warm breeze caught her hair and whirled it high above her head .
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