Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 She thought the domestic arrangements were too primitive and the facilities for education , particularly language training , at best inadequate .
2 From my point of view it was a complete success — fun , interesting and the chance for me to meet someone whom I 'd admired from afar since I was 14 years old .
3 However , given the difficulties , the success rate is high and the rewards for women are clear .
4 He attacked both the British and the Russians for their " imperialist " policies in Iran and called for a free , independent Iran with a constitutional monarchy .
5 Planning was often difficult or impossible and the need for home care was less .
6 Providing an answer , in contrast , is not simple and the search for it goes to the very heart of the Verkehrsberuhigung concept .
7 For the first , public ownership is a virtual absolute , the derogations from it minimal and the necessity for them requiring proof .
8 agencies contracted to do community care assessments , such as Edinburgh and East of Scotland Society for the Deaf and the Society for the Welfare and Teaching of the Blind ;
9 The largesse the NHS received in an election year was predictably short-lived and the settlement for 1993 is only 0.8 per cent above the inflation forecast .
10 The main reasons over their peasant 's strike are : it is unjust , unfair prices , because the prices for the agricultural products and goods are too low and the prices for technics are too high .
11 If the staff : client ratio is low and the environment for care well equipped and attractive , -then you will have to measure this against the breadth of experience which represents your alternative within the NHS .
12 It was a time when he was immensely drawn to panache , and he felt done with the prim and the hangdog for good .
13 Ethical investing and the demand for information
14 It follows , then , that in an exchange rate union , in contrast to a currency union , monetary integration may not be complete and the conditions for the creation of monetary union may not be satisfied because of the persistence of uncertainty regarding intra-union exchange rates .
15 well my Lord previous policy , pass policy holders have been paid , all have to do in relation to the future is very rapidly notify their arrangements , if they get clearance they can then get exemption from the data notification back dated and the problems for the future are resolved .
16 When we come to whip and dipole antennas , Gameson criticises the whip for not being directional and the dipole for being directional !
17 In the meantime however you still have to live with the imperfect and the jargon for this is ‘ to find a work-around ’ .
18 Bleeding from peptic ulcer persists or recurs early in 25% of cases , which carries a high death rate related to the severity of bleeding or the need for surgical treatment .
19 Firstly , the size of capacitor is dictated by the phase current and the time for which " voltage-boosting " is needed ; large phase currents and long boost times lead to large capacitor values .
20 From 1970 to 1975 , the planting of new vineyards was particularly hectic and the figures for 1982–5 are but an indication of yet another intensive period of viticultivating new land within the delimited region .
21 For kick offs , there 's the excitement of Goals Galore , Saves Galore and The Race For The Championship at £9.99 each .
22 If this means returning to hanging for theft ; workhouses for the deserving poor and the streets for the undeserving ; the exploitation of the poor by the wealthy ; overcrowded , insanitary housing for the majority and opulence for the few ; of course we would reject it .
23 ‘ We are concerned and the scenario for us is not a particularly good one .
24 In reality , the scope for choice here will depend on the nature of the clinical service concerned and the room for political manoeuvre .
25 The strain of caring for a disturbed relative can be considerable and the need for an understanding and reliable friend to talk to and share the anxieties with is often very great .
26 In addition to FPP members , it included two members of the GVP , one Fijian independent and the MP for Rotuma .
27 The telephones kept me just about busy but the potential for job satisfaction in the tasks I was required to do was almost nil .
28 Now , this happens in nearly all er cases o of tuberculosis but , interesting , the vast majority of infections microbacterium tuberculosis are asymptomatic and the reason for that is that after a period of growth and dissemination does not lead to clinical symptoms , cell mediated immunity , C M I , comes into comes into play and you end up with a balance between the macrophages , and fi and M T B , where there 's a constant turnover of macrophages dying , and M T B winning out .
29 But where the political and social values of a country redefine the function of a school , as they have done in Tanzania , or , as with the growth of universal primary education , it becomes more obvious that the school is not mainly an escape route out of the village and on to secondary and higher education , so the separateness may become less pronounced and the desire for integration more genuine .
30 More people had been drawn to the area since Stephen had been there , but the settlement was still small and the opportunities for the adventurous pioneer still great .
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