Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] i have not " in BNC.

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1 It 's 1,000 years old and I have n't been diving that long to make a find like that .
2 wrote to them and said yes I 'd be interested but I have n't heard anything since .
3 Deep in my heart there was still hope that one day I would receive a letter saying , ‘ I am alive and I have not forgotten you . ’
4 She 's made me angry with her anger , and then turned it around so that I 'm eaten up with guilt because she 's been ill and I have n't noticed , and now she 's taking the blame on herself and making me feel worse than ever .
5 I 'm married but I have n't got any family yet
6 She keeps two hunters here all the year round as well as the grey and I have n't seen a penny in livery in all of five years .
7 Unless she 's completely drunk , blind drunk and I have n't already given her a good seeing to !
8 I did it for a bet — with one of my uncles , his side being that I would n't stick to anything — and because it seemed as good a way as any of getting away from home , but I was not uninterested and I have not forgotten my subject . ’
9 Is n't it nice but I have n't any er
10 And look this grate here 's the same thing now as it was in nineteen O eight and I make a fire in it everyday but I have n't made it today .
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