Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] i [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 He 's three months old and I love him and I would n't do a thing to harm him .
2 Fielding said it was a mob joint and I believed him : brocade , matt light , as quiet as a church .
3 Left : ‘ If Pop said do n't , I did ; if he said black , I said white and I punished him daily , one way or another .
4 I might say ‘ Yes he s good and I want him to play for Leeds ’ .
5 I bought him one Christmas years and oh hey , we were just married and I ordered him an extending ladder from the Co-op
6 Elton does n't deserve to be called the worst , he 's very stylish and I dress him for the country .
7 Anyway , the point was that Fagg left me alone and I left him alone .
8 I disapproved of his grey suede shoes , his floppy bow tie and the excessive width of his trousers : he struck me as flaccid and petulant and I disliked him on sight .
9 Yes , Grandad was something of a harum-scarum but I loved him nevertheless .
10 Webley was visibly shocked but I assured him he could still continue to wash the team strip every week .
11 His movement is steady and I admire him for it .
12 This was going on for a couple of days , so I was getting worried and I took him to the prison doctor and he says , ‘ It might be with you breastfeeding , try him on the bottle . ’
13 I was so relieved it was all over and my baby was alright and I held him for the first time .
14 Mostly about him bein' bad and me watchin' him , like .
15 Benjamin just stared fascinated and I studied him rather than the condemned man for , as I have remarked before , Benjamin had a horror of public executions .
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