Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] even if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , I , I do realise and I have to be satisfied with that erm and I shall do my best , but if I could just make my absolutely clear , simple proposition that I was seeking to perform is that if you are seeking to amend the law i i it ought to be possible for those who are seeking to understand the Government 's intentions to find out relatively easily what the law is and I suggest it 's very far from easy and even if you get to it , it 's not at all easy to understand .
2 For example , we do n't know whether non-human species get depressed and even if we were sure that they did there would still be a lot of doubt about which behaviours signified depression in an animal .
3 Teacher says it 's disgraceful But even if I had the time , I feel too tired .
4 There appeared to be no way of escaping and even if she did escape , she had no idea what to do .
5 If you need to discover how you spend your time then you will find this spreadsheet very useful and even if you do n't then it contains some helpful tips for handling dates and times .
6 Much more difficult for a woman because by the time a woman 's got into her forties , her child rearing erm career is usually rather short and even if she wants to continue , it becomes much more hazardous for her and for her offspring , so er in , in the case of erm modern societies with erm monogamy bu but divorce as we have , you ca n't help thinking that to some extent the , the odds are , are loaded in the favour of men as it were in terms of their reproductive success .
7 All such principles are general and abstract and even if there was complete agreement as to the principle the problem of application to particular and concrete facts would remain .
8 Bureaux in the main are not purpose-built and even if they have been especially partitioned for the purpose-built and even if usually enough total space to consider the ergonomics of advice work .
9 A SURVEY by the St John Ambulance Brigade came up with the remarkably interesting finding that the man most women would prefer to give them the kiss of life , assuming it was necessary or even if it was n't , would be TV doctor Hilary Jones .
10 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
11 He says what he believes to be true and even if one disagrees with him , his uncompromising stances are vastly preferable to some of the gobbledy-gook that comes from some sections of the countryside establishment or those who change their views from year to year .
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