Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases they get very depressed or they even die , because their image of themselves is very much bound up with work and .
2 I never did think they were primitive and they always told the truth ( except when they were teaching me the language ) and were a damn sight more trustworthy than some of the white men we had on the job .
3 When France declared war on England , on 17 June 1778 , Jones remained unemployed and he also managed to fall out with his own crew who , in a petition , called ‘ his temper and treatment [ of them ] insufferable ’ .
4 They found the cutting and scrambled down the slopes of the cutting enjoying the freedom , the old hut looked interesting and they soon explored the area , that had reverted back to nature .
5 I like the bones best because they 're interesting and I never thought people were buried up here .
6 ‘ But she 's wrong and I just know I 'm right , ’ he vowed .
7 I wish I was wrong and I still had my pension .
8 Because he was wrong and he just made me feel really crap .
9 But passions were running high and I also think the conference did want to give our present Prime Minister a feeling of support . ’
10 They 're quite expensive at the outset because what we 've got to do is pay the lecturers to put a lot of work in on those lectures — it 's not a simple thing writing this lecture for a thirteen year old and we also pay the school teachers for coming along and helping the lecturers .
11 ‘ When you came to us , love , you were eight years old and you never smiled , you never laughed , you hardly said anything .
12 You 're fifteen years old and you still wan na watch the Jungle Book .
13 My daughter 's now 10 months old and I still have n't started my periods again .
14 It is only 12 months old and I now wish to purchase a modulator to convert it to a colour monitor for use with a domestic TV set .
15 Well , anybody could see that the stupid bu er the way they 've he was made up to look like a forty year old and he still looked like a twenty year old !
16 Bob Martin , from the Darlington Milk Buyers , said customers had been very generous and they still had more to collect .
17 Then I come cantering through Sherwood To set Maid Marion free And I really believe I 'm Robin Hood And the Sheriff 's my enemy .
18 God knows why , because I was n't entertaining and I never went in pubs , but it seemed a good idea at the time .
19 O'Connell says the company was proud to say that it had won Posix-compliance and it now hopes to gain X/Open 's XPG branding .
20 ‘ It 's the classic green and reds with a simple check that prove the most popular and we often recolour tartans in various forms .
21 It was strained through sieves into stone water jars , and if the truth were told , it was probably not very alcoholic and it certainly had a short life .
22 like , she 's coloured right , but she 's a bit portly and she just smells to be quite honest !
23 Everyone will be embarrassed and it rarely helps .
24 And that it 's very disorganised and you never know where you are regarding rooms .
25 As I mentioned before , vitamins are chemically very unstable and they certainly do not take well to this sort of treatment .
26 ‘ The mould got broken and we never replaced it .
27 The squash had an undertaste that I could n't identify but it was n't unpleasant and I happily drank it .
28 The fact is that all developed societies undergo processes in which professions and occupations proliferate and become more specialised and we then have to evolve means of ‘ getting it all together again' , in this case , ensuring that the patient or client does not suffer as a result of our separate functions and roles .
29 BRAVO to the French both for their ban on smoking in public and their softly-softly approach to imposing it .
30 During my first stay in China in 1984 , it was very rare indeed to see young people holding hands in public and I clearly remember the expressions of shock when a student dared to ask , in a packed lecture hall , if students in Britain were allowed to ‘ talk love ’ .
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