Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [pron] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sister Anne is teaching me French and she says my accent is really very good . "
2 This time he seemed ill at ease and jumpy and I noticed his face was slick with perspiration when he spun to greet me .
3 It has beautiful purple and green plumage , but its voice is strident and it threshes its wings frantically overhead when in the presence of any other murder victim , crying ‘ Ishkoonee ! ’
4 And God was faithful and I passed my exams .
5 I 'm not very brave and I love my parents very much .
6 His face was flushed and damp and he mopped his forehead with a large handkerchief .
7 He apologised for the damp and she shook her head .
8 She looked at me unsmiling and I opened my mouth to protest that I was the last person in the world to take such a thing for granted , that I was the only person in the world who held a low opinion of sexual experience .
9 As you will see , from the enclosed programme for 1990/1991 , all our Trainers have again been working very hard , to provide you with Q.T. days which continue to be exciting , different and which reflect your requests and ideas .
10 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
11 Yes , one , once the children had gone it was different and I think its , I 'm a widow now and I think love still remains somewhere .
12 It is important to appoint someone reliable and who understands your wishes .
13 The bruise on his ankle was cripplingly painful and he felt his forty-seven years .
14 His parents — his father was a clerk at the docks and his mother a schoolmistress — were never rich but they were very literate and they encouraged their son to read , observe and learn .
15 Her reply was crisp and she held his gaze , letting him see her anger .
16 Cos I used this look , I said that erm I 'd re I had represented his father in an accident case some years before and I was acquainted with the family in a casual way , and I said this may suggest , because he was saying you can make up and you can , this is a bit when you can use your imagination , and I said this may suggest that his father , you know he 'd like , because it the way he says that , I 'd represented his father , I was acquainted , you know maybe that he knows he 's used to that kind of erm behaviour from the family , you know , and he knows what Eddie 's like his fa I do n't know I might be completely wrong but I used my imagination there .
17 I was at once interested but I did my best to suppress the instant flicker in my eyes .
18 He looked offended but I guessed his idea of discretion was swapping his length of lead pipe for a rubber truncheon .
19 I indicated that Bunny 's glass was empty but he shook his head .
20 Rosita was a bit old but she kept her body in good condition and the men liked her the best .
21 These moneys are genuinely additional and we await his decision .
22 It is dark outside and I button my jacket .
23 So I had a look at it from the outside and I changed my original opinion .
24 The mail arrived early and he opened his letters as he sat at the breakfast table .
25 Yes , I 'm not saying that it 's perfect and they do their whack , I did n't say that .
26 because , you come back here and all the Scottish women were vast and they lost their figure 's and it was just sort of almost taken for granted that you have a baby and you loose your figure , but you do n't mind because you 've got the children .
27 His lips hardened and he lifted her closer , cupping her head and kissing her deeply when she made no move to get away .
28 It is black and gleaming and it gives his wife Meriel the willies .
29 ‘ Morrissey had a wonderful twist of phrase ’ , says Muir today , ‘ His writing was really witty — really very clever but I found his personality fascinating which is why I decided to publish . ’
30 I saw people who came in pretty straight but who changed their attitudes and opinions drastically .
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