Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [prep] some way " in BNC.

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1 Their routine is quite demanding and in some ways it expects a level of determination on the part of the rehabilitee that would probably be high enough to get him back to work without a course of formal rehabilitation .
2 The Royal Commission on Local Government in Scotland ( Wheatley 1969 ) followed the same broad analysis of the ills of the system as their English counterparts , but their prescriptions were different and in some ways more radical .
3 The objectives were laudable and in some ways romantic .
4 The research has documented the extremely complex and in some ways confusing technology of electoral administration and the spatial basis by which it is organised .
5 You could end up by making a picture , abstract or in some way representational , which shows the connections of your childhood to your mature adult life .
6 Here it is a different kind of work , we are more lonely and in some ways the work is harder , but for us women as you know , life itself is very hard …
7 John Gorman says … he 's happy but in some ways disappointed that they 've had to wait so long for a win … it 's been hard week after week … but they 've shown great character and the fans have been very supportive
8 Those which can be recycled , re-used or in some way " recovered " will attract a lower disposal price premium than those which have to be dumped or incinerated .
9 All that stuff on our first two records I think is really cool and in some ways I prefer it to what we 're doing now , and I knew that once we took any of those songs and put them in an electric context people would go , ‘ Duh , it 's a good song ! ’ .
10 Key words such as self-help , accountability , responsibility , hard work , thrift — many central to the tradition of the English working classes and trade unions — have been appropriated and presented as specifically Conservative and in some way under threat from socialism and collective action .
11 He was small and hard and wild and in some ways more like an animal than a boy .
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