Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [that] it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 No one suggests , certainly not I , that the nation state has properties which are eternal or that it should attribute to itself values which are timeless .
2 It is submitted that this approach is wrong and that it would be better to consider the database structure as a form of expression in its own right and not as part of the computer program .
3 They will argue that such job creation as may have taken place is temporary and artificial , that the cost of achieving even this was too high and that it would have been cheaper and industrially more advantageous if people from development areas had been forced or encouraged to move to the prosperous areas .
4 Lord Reid thought that the multiplier of 12 years was low , but in that he differed from some of his brother judges who thought that it was high but that it should not be interfered with .
5 The Solidarity leadership , while supporting the workers ' demands , said that the means used were not appropriate and that it could not deny the legitimacy of the government 's position .
6 access road is accepted and that it can be included in the design list for nineteen ninety four and five .
7 The expectation that the countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque and that it should present an unchanging spectacle to the appreciative onlooker has , for example , led many newcomers to be bitterly critical of the changes wrought by modern farming methods .
8 According to Professor Wilson : ‘ There seems to be a belief that the academic culture is fairly stable and that it will survive however universities are funded .
9 It will provide massive rebates for those who are worse off ; and it will be welcomed by the majority of the public , who will realise that it is far fairer than the community charge , that it is progressive and that it will work .
10 The engineers tell us that the core of the building is intact and that it could be rebuilt and restructured .
11 But he 's not prepared to … take advantage of me because he knows that I 'm inexperienced and that it would be too important to me .
12 I have tried to convince you that problem solving is important and that it can be taught and learned by means of guided problem solving .
13 The hon. Member for Teignbridge can not argue simply that nuclear power is cleaner and environmentally more safe and that it should therefore always take precedence over coal , because we can do things to coal that would make it environmentally far more acceptable .
14 The task therefore was to recover greater autonomy at the centre and limit the state 's obligations to those that were essential and/or that it could carry out .
15 In each of these cases there is a disposition whose content is not made clear by the words in the will , and the question for the jurist is whether that means the disposition is void or that it ought somehow to be supplemented .
16 I 'm not saying you will always be successful or that it will never cost you a penny , nor am I advising those almost too timid to open a can of beans to tinker with a complex and potentially dangerous machine if they feel it 's beyond them ; we all have our limitations .
17 He maintained that treatment should be carried out in the gentlest possible way available and that it should be both speedy and lasting .
18 Society 's interest is in upholding the concept that all human life is sacred and that it should be preserved if at all possible .
19 It has just told me that the trial has proved successful and that it will shortly make the address service available nationwide .
20 One was that people were not really making much progress toward showing that supergravity was finite or that it could explain the kinds of particles that we observe .
21 Protestors say the scheme is too big and that it will swamp neighbouring villages .
22 Yesterday things looked pretty hopeful but that it would n't take too long to get the whole thing sorted out , but I must admit things seem to be escalating and getting a lot worse now .
23 Experience during the past nine years indicates that in its new form guardianship has not gained popularity , and many social workers consider both that it is unenforceable and that it may be an unethical constraint on individual freedom .
24 You have almost certainly known for quite some while that one cycle is coming to a close and that it would be foolish even to attempt to defy the winds of change .
25 Nick Barr , a keen supporter of loans , is of the opinion that the government has chosen the worst possible option , claiming that the scheme is inordinately expensive and that it will accentuate the middle class bias in access to higher education .
26 I do n't think that 's bad or that it should ever stop being that way .
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