Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [vb base] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ own account ’ includes ( in the words of the FTA ) ‘ the delivery and collection of goods sold , bought , used or let on hire or hire purchase or processed in the course of the operator 's trade or business whether transport costs are included in the price of the articles involved or charged separately ’ .
2 Another common composite building placed the cow-house , stable or cart-shed under part of the barn .
3 Perhaps Mr Paxman would at last achieve what we have always been waiting for him to do in one of his interviews : either fall fast asleep or choke to death on one of his own jokes .
4 But the commune also served a major coercive function since the majority in each village stood to lose should an individual either fail to meet his share of the payments due or take to flight .
5 WARNING If you are overweight , pregnant or suffer from back pain or any medical condition , consult your doctor before attempting these exercises
6 Wartime rules stated that only token payment plus expenses were to be paid , but clubs , like any other employers , can choose to be as generous or mean with expenses as with wages .
7 For a copy of the catalogue tel. free or write to CTG , Freepost , Poole , Dorset , BH15 1BR .
8 Eat raw or cook like celery .
9 The word associated with Lórien most often is ‘ stain' — an odd word , both French and Norse in origin , with an early meaning of ‘ to lose lustre ’ as well as ‘ to discolour ’ .
10 Whitaker 's partner slipped while turning tight into the penultimate fence , but the horse managed to jump clear and win from Emma-Jane Mac on Everest Oyster .
11 Our first winner was Debbie Moseley and when Debbie told the guys at Feature You she would like to do modelling but thought she was n't good enough , they decided to prove her wrong and set to work on a dramatic transformation .
12 I am nine and-a-half years old and sit in front of the television in England with my brother , watching characters like Meg and Sandy argue in the Cross roads motel , while fat Benny , the tele West Country moron in woolly hat , eats lots of pies .
13 Under 12 stay free and pay for meals as taken .
14 As Rousseau said , ‘ yet it may be asked how a man can be at once free and conform to wills which are not his own ’ .
15 Both direct and organise with ease and are prepared to take charge of situations .
16 After Clare 's sudden departure from Saracen , Miranda had immediately located her through friends , then telephoned and urged her sister to be sensible and apologize to Elinor , ‘ because we all know you really love Gran ’ .
17 Work-group norms are usually more subtle and less universal and relate to behaviour within a part of the organization .
18 So if you 're Afro-American , female , below the age of 12 and with the next Do The Right Thing in the back of your mind , call Universal and ask for Spike .
19 Many are empty and act as magnets for arsonists and vandals .
20 Afternoon , Henry remembered , used to be as prolonged and arid as Arizona , and they were followed by things called evenings , which were entirely different and separate from nights .
21 An observation statement , formulated in a public language , will be testable and open to modification or rejection .
22 When it then comes to assessing the efficacy of preventive interventions , the goals of the model are not only clear but open to evaluation .
23 Research shows quite clearly that although the two names may occasionally have been confused due to scribal error , mishearing by early recorders , or poor scholarship , they are quite distinct and separate in origin and have remained separate in use by the families bearing them .
24 As it sought to serve a predominantly rural region in which the WEA in earlier years had found its own main strength in urban areas , the rural areas were relatively untouched and open to university initiatives when the 1932 Adult Education Regulations were introduced .
25 At the stage in the growth of a scientific discovery when it is no longer just internal but has not yet become a formal paper , then the scholarly interchange would have depended on whom individuals knew or knew of , the letter writing would be unmanaged and survive by chance ( often only one side of the story ) and , due to concern that ideas should not be stolen , may only have taken place at a late stage of the discovery process .
26 Well these things may er describe erm sexual behaviour and how to facilitate it , but they ca n't explain it and nor are they really fundamental , because after all okay in mammals males may be the sex defined by the X chromosome , but in birds it 's the other way round in birds it 's the female chromosome and all , in other words , all bird embryos start , start out as male and differentiate into females if they 're going to , whereas in mammals all embryos start out as female and differentiate into males , in so far as those terms have any sense .
27 She finished eating , hoping she could elude Roman and get to Dana 's hotel without him , but as soon as she put her cup down he was urging her to her feet .
28 Caroline was delighted and set to work transforming her straight , shoulder-length hair into a glamorous new look .
29 I roll a joint and fall into bed with my remote control .
30 Puns and similar manoeuvres trivialize the serious and instil in Julia a sense of linguistic mauvaise foi .
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